Here she goes

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Hi guys this chapter is dedicated to TwilightJacob20 :)

Dominic POV

Dominic cringed as he heard another feminine wail as he tried to catch up on some important documents he had to read. He tried to ignore it but he kept on hearing the noises. Getting up from his desk, he stuffed the papers in an envelope and then headed towards the door. He slipped the key out of his pocket and locked the door to his study before anything else. No one was allowed in there. Especially Estefania.

He walked down the hallway and opened her door. There she was, laying on the floor, tangled in her bed sheets. He sighed as he looked at her face. There were tears running down her face and she was whimpering in her sleep. She was most likely having a bad dream.

She had been having bad dreams for the last week and it was affecting his sleep. He crouched down and shook her shoulder a bit. "Stef. Stefania," he said as she wouldn't open her eyes but the water work got worse.

"Stop! Leave me alone. Please," She wailed as he grabbed her by both of her shoulders and shook her softly.

"Stef wake the hell up," he snapped as her teary eyed eyes suddenly flew open. She looked disoriented and scared out of her mind.

She wiped her eyes and looked at him with the most poutiest and scared expression on this earth. Dominic couldn't stand it. She looked like a freakin lost puppy. "What happened?" She asked croakily.

He got up and pulled her up after him, Her leg was still tangled in the sheet, and he helped untangle it. "You fell off your bed from a bad dream," he explained to her as she looked like she was getting ready to cry again. "NO. NO more crying," he told her sternly. He couldn't stand the opposite sex crying it annoyed the fuck out of him. "You've been doing this for the past week and I need some damn sleep. You're sleeping with me until you get these nightmares under control, okay?" he said as her eyes widened and she shook her head. She had her blanket in her hand and was shielding herself away from him. Most likely because she was wearing one of those Victoria Secret night gowns he ordered for her when he bought her a new wardrobe,

"It's okay...I can just um-"

"-You have no say in this. Now come on," he said as he grabbed her by the wrist and started to pull her out of her room. She was resisting hard and he turned around glaring at her. "What is the damn problem?"

She sighed, her face getting pink with anger. "I can't sleep in a bed with you!"

"Why not?" he asked impatiently.

"Because! You''re you! And I know you'll..try something," she said just above a whisper.

He stared at her. Her hair was tangled in a mess, her face was flushed, she was wearing a pink night gown that came down just above her knees, and there was an abundance for him to look at in the chest area. "Why the hell would I try something with you while you're all messed up and crying?" He asked her as he mentally had to ask himself that same question. She was right, if she hadn't of been so scared shitless right now he would no doubt take a crack at her. But he knew she would oppose strongly and he did not feel like getting into anything with her tonight.

"Let me go to the bathroom really quick," she said as she ran in the bathroom. He heard the faucet running then something opening and closing. She walked back out and sighed. "F...fine," she said as she looked at the floor. He walked out of the room with her hot on his heels. Once they were at the door of his room he opened it and she walked in. He watcher her facial expression. "You bed is so high," she commented as she inspected it and did a whole perimeter check. "Which side?"

"Doesn't matter." He watched her go to the left side which was facing him and scramble to get into the bed. It was actually amusing and he had to stop himself from bursting out laughing. He felt his pants get a little more constricting then they already were when she was on all fours, sticking her ass out trying to get situated. It didn't help that she had on lace pink panties. "Just lay down already," he said in a tight voice as she quickly did so. No doubt because the tone of his voice.

His for the TakingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora