Strip for me, Asshole

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Stef's hands shook violently as she and Ray sat across the street from 'Wicked Desires.' She didn't know what to do. What was her plan? She had no idea what it was and she was freaking out. Ray was nodding in and out of consciousness while on their short drive but as soon as she told him they were here, he was wide awake.i

"What's your plan?" She didn't answer him...because she was trying to form one in her mind. Which was kind of hard due to the sound of her obnoxiously loud heart beat. "Don't tell me you don't have a plan! Oh god just kill me now," Ray exclaimed as Stef wanted to find a possible way to knock Ray unconscious while not causing anymore damage that was already done.

As she tried to think of ways, she began to look across the street. At least three women were going in...then it hit her. She could pretend to be a stripper! "Ray you stay right in here, ok? I'll be out in fifteen minutes tops."

"Don't die." She shot him an angry look before she buttoned down her shirt a bit...ok a lot, just enough to look like...well look like her mom didn't raise her with any sense. She took her purse with her and combed through her hair wildly as she tried to look somewhat attractive.

She opened the door and was immediately hit with the smell of smoke and alcohol. "Babe come on back here."

She jumped a bit as she turned around and came face to face with a brawny guy with earrings in his ears and nose. "Did Brian hire you while I was gone?" He asked as he literally stared at her chest the entire time.

She nodded nervously. "Yeah. Brian's not here today?" She asked nonchalantly. The man shook his head. "Well are you going to show me where to get dressed...or?"

The man rolled his eyes. "Yeah come on princess." As he lead her through the club she watched the woman on the stage. Some had clothes on and others...she couldn't even tell! There was a pretty good amount of men in there for the middle if the day and she stared at them. Disgusted. "Here. What's your name again?" He asked.


"Alright Stacy baby. I'm looking for a private dance later, ok?" He whispered in her ear as he grabbed her butt, She nodded with a fake smile before rushing into the back. It was one big dressing room. At least six women were naked or half naked running around looking for things to wear. Some woman were wearing see through everything, stopped and looked at her. Stef's face went completely red as she looked down the woman's body.

"You got a problem?" She snapped.

"No! Not at all. Just at this," she admired as the woman's hard features turned soft.

"Really now?" She questioned as Stef nodded. She sighed as she took Stef by the hand and brought her over to a rack full of skimpy outfits. "Ok, I'll help you. Take it off baby girl. All of it."

Stef's face was burning with embarrassment now. "Now?" She squeaked as the woman rolled her eyes. She didn't want to strip in front of all these people!

"Duh. Come on!" She snapped as Stef took off her jeans and shirt and gave her a sheepish grin. "I will rip them off myself," she said while reaching for Stef's chest. She quickly unhooked her bra and the woman whistled. "Look what new stuff we got here girls!" She yelled as she heard the woman cheer.

What had she gotten herself into? How could a rescue mission turn into her completely in the nude with strippers catcalling her! She was so going home and crying of humiliation after this. "Bottoms please."

"" She rolled her eyes and held up some outfits for her. "Here take this," she said as she handed her a black shiny bra and a black thong.

"Thank you," she said while taking a taking a deep breath and just changing in front of them. Once her outfit was on the woman sat her down and began doing her make up. Stef didn't get why she was being so nice, and she would definitely repay her day. "So what's your name?" She murmured as the woman out make up on her eyes.

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