Bonus Chapter

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"Stef! The baby is crying." She groaned as she flushed the toilet and washed her hands quickly. She just didn't understand! What was so complicated about holding a three month old baby girl?!

She dried her hands and rushed out of the bathroom. She walked down the hall till she was at the door of Dominic's office. She walks in to hear loud wailing. She saw Dominic standing up, and patting the baby on the back with a helpless expression on his face.

"Here. What were you doing in there?"he asked as he gave the screaming baby over to her.

She smiled at her Lucy and kissed her wet little cheeks. "Is daddy being a mean little grump?" She asked as Lucy's crying behavior turned into one of happiness at seeing her mother. Stef watched as Dominic glared at them and she sighed, looking at him. "What Dominic?"

"Nothing. She just hates me," he said grumpily while glaring at nothing in particular angrily. She chuckled as she held their baby up and turned her towards him.

"She has to love you," she said as he put her into her arms. "She looks just like you! Cute nose,  same dark hair! Even skin tone. It's like I wasn't involved at all with this process."

Dominic chuckled. "You had a lot to do with the process," he said as she blushed and looks away from Dominic. He was such a pig sometimes. "You should put her to sleep."

She turned, glaring at him. "No. She's hungry."

"I'm hungry too," he said with that look in his eyes that made Stef heat up entirely to much. She was nervous and annoyed. Dominic had been extremely sexual these past few days and..she admitted sex hasn't been on the agenda due to how much time Lucy was taking up. And on the other hand...she felt incredibly insecure about her body....

She rolled her eyes. "Dominic," she laughed as Lucy started to fall asleep. Stef stood there, looking at their beautiful baby sleep, while Dominic took this opportunity, to  try and slip his hands in her pants. "Dominic," she scolded as she pulled away from him, and walked out of the baby's room.

"Are you insane?!"

"No," he answered her as she could beg to differ. She knew Dominic had a few screws lose, not like he was stupid, but like he was just crazy. Which she was sure everyone knew. Even at the baby store, the employees called him, 'Mr. Moretti' and would literally shove coupons into his hand every time they came in with Lucy. It was actually kind of amusing. "You need to learn how to be gentle, I think you hold her to rough when you stand up," she explained to him, getting off the 'sex' subject. She didn't feel any types of attractive not just after four months of Lucy. She still had baby fat, and blah, blah, blah.

"I'm naturally a rough guy. You should know that," he said as she felt his hands wrap around her waist. She felt her cheeks redden. "Now, Mrs. Moretti if you don't get your sexy little ass on the bed I might have to screw your little butt standing up," he said while smacking her butt. Hard.

She jumped with a squeal. "I will beat you up if you ever do that again," she said while turning around and poking him in the chest.

"I'm terrified," he murmured as he grabbed her, and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his midsection.

"You should be," she laughed as he let them tumble onto their bed. That day, Dominic didn't make her feel like she didn't just pop out a little human, or that she didn't gain at least ten to fifteen pounds. It was just like their first time....but wayyy better.

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