Surprise pt 1

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Heyy guys!  This chapter is dedicated to: mgwescoat

Hope you all like this chapter!

Stef had things to do this morning and it didn't help that she got no sleep again last night. Lucky for her the nightmares ceased but not her insomnia. When she woke up she threw on a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt and ran around the house searching for Wren. She found him in the living room knocked out sleeping. She turned on the lights and heard a loud groan. "The light, it burns!"

She laughed a bit and watched as he sluggishly sat up. "What do you want woman? I have the worst hangover in freakin history," he pouted as he held his head in his hands.

"Sorry," she apologized. "But we have to get the cake and you never told me his favorite color," she chastised Wren as he groaned and fell back onto the couch. Not to mention she had to get his present.

"You know you don't have to yell you meanie," he said to her as she glared at him. "It's like um... I don't know. Green and gold or something." She glared at him. "I think I'm telling the truth. Think about it he always has black cars but the only color car he has is that green viper. Only one. Then the gold, ever realize how much golden things he has in the house. Gold paint, his sheet are the color for Peets sake." She was surprised she never realized that. And how did he know what color Dominic's sheets were?

"Ok so I'll rent the pretty golden designed plates then get the green cloth folding napkins right?" He nodded. "You did order the cake last night before you passed out right?" She asked nervously as he nodded and rolled onto the floor. "Um are you okay?" She asked as he began rolling all over the floor.

He continued rolling then stopped suddenly. "Rolling off the," he then shot up and ran passed her. She heard a door slam shut then throw up noises. She cringed and sighed loudly. Instead of waiting for Wren to recover she went into the kitchen. Sonya was whirling around the kitchen like a mad woman.

Stef and Wren told Sonya the plan last night and she refused for them to hire a caterer. She told them she would cook all of the food. She gave Tony and Emmy the list and they went to the food market at like eleven and came back with tons of food.

She also spoke to Chris and Mike. They both agreed to stall Dominic once he got off of his jet and they also contributed to the money for his present. "Sonya how do you think he'll like my gift?" She asked while telling her.

She gasped and laid a hand over her heart. "That is a lovely gift! And You're throwing him the party, dear! You don't have to get him anything," she told her as she wasn't convinced. "Oh and the guest count is again?"

"25 people. Wren wanted to keep it small. The 'family' and the friends of the 'family' she said in air quotes just like Wren had said to her last night. "Oh 27 including me and Dominic," she added as Sonya nodded and continued to chop like a maniac.

Stef stole a seasoned chicken breast and a bag of chips. It was an odd combo but there was a whole plate sitting there glaring at her and there was a bag of chips on the table. Once she was done with her weird breakfast, Wren came walking into the kitchen. He looked horrible, like he rubbed up against a cactus or something.

"Let's go," he said weakly as he stole a piece of cheese from Sonya's cutting board. She slapped him on the hand hard. "Ow Sonya! Why do you have to be such an abusive woman?" He asked as her and Sonya began to laugh.

"Wren can we get going?" she reminded him as he ditto'd her. They hopped into Wren's truck as there first stop was the party store. They got streamers, picked out a banner that said 'Happy Birthday Dominic' in green and gold letters. She somehow lost Wren as she searched for green napkins and she winded up finding him flirting with the balloon counter girl.

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