Travel Mishaps

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Hi guys, hope you like this chapter. Some new characters are introduced!

Stef stayed to the other side of the limo. She couldn't even look in Dominic's direction. She hated him and she wanted to so bad jump out of the limo and run back to her home. She was stuck with this devil and she couldn't do anything about it. Maybe she could run away but she doubted she would get any farther.

"Estefania," Dominic said, while snapping her out of her observance of the car next to the limo. She slowly turned towards him and tried her best not to glare. "We'll be boarding my private jet in about twenty minutes. I'm pretty sure you know what to do," he said while fishing in his pocket for something. He pulled out a small velvet box. He threw it at her. "Put it on."

She grabbed the box and flipped it open. Her eyes almost rolled onto the limo floor. She could not believe that the ring was so huge. It had to cost him a fortune. It was impossible! Then she considered the course, he was a mobster, he could afford anything he wanted. She looked up at him and he was just glaring at her like she did something wrong. Then she realized she hadn't put it on. She slipped it on her slender finger and flexed her fingers a bit. It fit perfectly on her small finger. She thought that was really weird..but she chose to be quiet.

"When we board the jet sit close to me. Act like you're really the part...well which you are. do you understand what I'm saying?' She nodded. "Good. Do what I say and don't talk back and maybe you'll get a matching diamond necklace."

Stef was suddenly deeply angered when he said that. "Don't talk to me like that," she said just above a whisper.

She could feel his intense gaze on her. "Like what? Like you're a dog? Well sorry to break it to you but you're basically my lap dog. You be good and you'll get a treat," he said with a smirk on his lips. Stef scooted as close as possible towards the door and was contemplating opening it. "Don't you even think about it."

******* ON the jet

Stef couldn't stand it. Dominic had his arm around her shoulder and she was more than uncomfortable. She didn't know him at all and he kept on doing stupid little things that real couples would do. He even had a nick name for her. Kitten. She wanted to throw up every time he said it, but she couldn't throw up. If she did he would probably beat her. Dominic looked like the abusive type.

She watched as one of the stewardess started to walk over to them. Yet, again. She was so annoyed! She had half of her chest out and kept hiking up her stupid skirt and flirting with Dominic like she wasn't even there! "Mr. Moretti here's your Bacardi and coke," she said while bending it down and putting it in his cup holder with a wink.

She felt Dominic tense around her neck. "Listen you slut I know we had our times before but as you can perfectly see I have a fucking fiancee now so button your damn shirt up and fix your skirt because I'm not fucking you. Got that babe?" he said as he sipped on his drink. Stef watched wide eyed as he looked calm as ever.

"I...but I-"

"Not butts. There's a fucking rock on her finger and last time I checked you're not blind." The woman straightened her skirt out then ran away from them. Stef didn't know whether to be happy or appalled at the way he talked to her. She so was not expecting him to say that. She thought he was going to give in and have a...well a quickie with her like he was known for. She felt his hand on her neck. He was massaging it softly and she tensed. "Don't think I did that for you, kitten. I can't fool around with people or else they'll think I'm not serious about our relationship and I go down the toilet, kay?" he said into her ear while she felt like smacking his face and running into the bathroom.

"I don't care," she said to him. She felt him glaring at her again. That's all her replies were ever since he called her his bitch in the limo. She refused to talk to him, and only say yes or mmhhmm to keep her sanity.

"Good. Now give me a kiss."


She felt the grip on her neck get a bit uncomfortable. "No," she said again a little bit louder. She felt his searing gaze on her but she didn't back down. "Go ahead get mad at me in front of the whole crew. I'll just tell you no louder and they will think something is up," she told him while her voice waivered a bit.

Stef gasped when she felt his lips on her neck. "You're right," he said while kissing her neck again. "But once we get to California...we'll be all alone," he whispered to her as he kissed her once again. Stef completely froze as she heard him chuckle lightly in her ear.

They arrived in California a few hours later and a limo picked them up. She was so grateful when she saw his goons in the limo too. She was dreading getting to his house and actually being alone because she had no idea what he was planning. He might throw her in the basement, or punch her or worst...take advantage of her. She shivered and pressed herself closer to the car door as she thought about that.

As she worried about her future she looked at the three guys in the car. One who was sitting directly across from Dominic looked pretty cute. He had dark hair just like him but light blue eyes and boyish edge to him...completely opposite of what Dominic resembled. He was smirking at her like he was trying to flirt and she looked away immediately. "Wren don't test me. I'm not in the fucking mood. Keep your damn eyes to yourself," Dominic snapped.

"In case you haven't realized Wren is my little brother. That right there is Chris," he said while cocking his head towards the guy with a pair of sunglasses on and a military style buzz cut. "And this is Michael," he said while she looked at the dirty blonde guy who looked completely high. "They're all in on our engagement."

"Meaning that they know that you're blackmailing me?"

"Yeps. We know all about it Stephanie, Estefania whatever the hell it is. How my brother can't date you like a regular dude he has to go all out and blackmail you," Wren said while she watched Dominic look at her as if to see if she was going to respond or not. She bit her bottom lip not wanting to say anything to get him angry. They were going to his house where they would be alone after all. "Wow, that's so sexy when you do that lip bitey thing."

She quickly stopped biting her lip and looked out the window awkwardly. "You're making her feel uncomfortable. She already is. You can't tell. The way her eyes move back and forth in a skittish manner. Where her hands are placed. One protectively next to her crotch and the other on the door handle. The way her legs are crossed, her shoulders tense-"

"Dude! You're creeping her out more! I mean even more than Dominic obviously creeps her out because Dom, your a creeper. Listen Stef if you ever want to go with a decent Moretti brother you know where to find me," Wren laughed as Stef literally wanted to die. She was so uncomfortable and scared. That Chris dude was more than creepy and she really felt like she needed a weapon being around these guys. Michael was the only guy who looked fairly decent, except for his high eyes.

"Wren, be quiet. Now I understand why that son of a bitch wanted me to train you. You're so damn annoying. You should've just gone back to fucking school," Dominic complained while he pressed one of the buttons next to the arm rest. The black window that separated them from the driver went down. "Al, pull over," Dominic told the driver as the driver did so.

Stef was nervous. What was he going to do? Beat his brother up? Was there a flat tire she didn't know about? Was he taking a bathroom break? "Get out the car, Wren. You can walk back to HQ. If you're late to the meeting tell them it's because you can't keep your damn mouth shut."

She watched Wren sigh loudly and open the door. As he got out Dominic called his name. "Yes, Dominic?" His brother asked with obvious anger and embarrassment.

"Leave your gun." She heard Wren curse loudly, as he threw his gun down. Dominic shot him a look that could kill and he slowly picked it up and handed it over to his older brother respectably. "You're a Moretti. You should know how to handle yourself without the use of weapons." His brother got out and slammed the car door shut.

Stephanie watched wide eyed as the car pulled off. She looked back and watched Wren. He was standing at the same place that he got out at. Glaring at the limo. She felt really bad for him. It was the highway! She hoped that he had some money for a cab. She knew if he could treat his own flesh and blood like that...then there was no hope for her.

Vote or comment! More voting means more action with Dom and Stef! hehe. I'm lying. They won't be getting into that for a while. Ok...maybe I'm lying. Please vote or comment ;)

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