Sticks and Stones

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*Dominic POV*

He watched as the man shook his head warily. "Dom...Dominic, I don't know where he is. I tried...I tried to tell Chris," he said as he took another deep breath. "But he wouldn't listen." Dominic looked at Wren who had his eye brows creased and was staring at Ray in deep concentration.

Dominic leaned forward in his chair, staring at Ray. "Ray," he sighed as he took his jacket off and put it around the chair. Then he took his cuff links off and handed them to Wren. "You know I like you, right?" The guy nodded like a crazed man. "That's why I told Chris to keep your face recognizable," he explained as he rolled his sleeves up.....

Dominic got a few good hits in until he thought Ray understood the gravity of the situation. His face was now unrecognizable and Dominic had blood all over his knuckles. Wren gave him something to wipe his hands with. "Now. You have two more tries. Two more tries before you die."

His eyes began to widen and he shook his head. "I told Chris I didn't know! I told him, I....I don't know. We went to the airport and we were planning on splitting it and...and I don't remember."

"Second time to refresh your memory," he said as he took his 22 revolver out of the holster he had. He knew he had one bullet in there. He got up and pressed it to his temple. "Second lie. Come on Ray."

"I'...I...I'm not lying!" He shouted as Dominic sighed and pulled the trigger. It clicked but nothing happened. Ray was now crying and shaking like a child and Dominic couldn't help but laugh. "Ok! He...He went to a hideout in Florida. He said it was his wife's fathers summer home and he was going to stash the loot under the shed!" He exclaimed as Dominic aimed the gun at his thigh, he kept on pulling the trigger till Ray was shot in the thigh. He let loose a scream and Dominic covered his mouth. "You son of a bitch!" He shouted as his blue denim jeans began to turn a crimson color.

Dominic looked at Wren who was watching them intently. He noticed the wedding ring on his finger. "You have a wife right? What's her name.... Stella?" He asked as Ray's tired eyes looked up at him with a pleading look. "And a son, right? Peter," Dominic said wile Ray began full fledge sobbing. "It's so sad to see such a beautiful woman be kidnapped and forced to sell her self because her husband is a complete idiot, oh and let's not forget about little Peter.. How old is he...eighteen? lifeless and dead. All because of you," Dominic said s he took his hand and pressed down on Ray's wound calling him to scream in pain.

"Please, don't hurt them! Don't touch them! I love her!" he sobbed as Dominic looked at the wedding ring and slipped it off the mans bloodied finger.

"You should have thought of that before you tried to pull one over on us," Dominic said as he held the bloody ring in his palm. "Stella knows and Peter's dead. Stella thinks by working for us that she'll set you free, but you're going to die. I'll let you live for a few more days. Let that sink in. Your son is dead and your wife is having her body used and abused just because you wanted to be selfish and greedy," Dominic explained sa Ray's sobs became louder and more desperate. "This won't even put a dent in how much money you owe, but it's all you have'll do."

He got up and took a piece o cloth, wiping the ring off. "You monster! I hope...I hope you die," Ray sobbed. "Who kills an innocent kid?!" Ray screamed. "You people are sick!?" he said as he looked like he was about to throw up.

"I don't think you want to do that. If you throw up no one's going to clean it up. You don't want that wound getting infected," Dominic said as he patted Ray on the head. "Come on Wren," he said as Wren sighed and put his hand on Ray's shoulder. "Chris will be down in a few days to end your pathetic life," he said as he and Wren went upstairs and locked the door behind him. He heard footsteps somewhere. He slowly pulled out his gun as he heard sniffling. He didn't know who the hell it was but he knew it wasn't Chris.

He turned the corner and pointed his gun at whoever it was. A loud feminine scream was let loose as Dominic glared at the female. "I'm sorry," she cried. "Please don't shoot me," Estefania begged while she wiped her tears away.

"Why are you crying and why did you get out of the damn car when I told you to stay in there?" He asked cooly. He wasn't going to yell. He was to annoyed to yell.

She sniffled and looked like a freaking crying puppy which made Dominic more annoyed. "I had...I had to use the bathroom," she hiccuped. "The basement door was open so I sat on the steps and watched," she cried. "You didn't really do that to his family did you?" She asked in a quivering tone.

"I did. Now get your ass in the car," he said as she covered her mouth and turned away from them. Wren tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to go over to her. He glared at his brother. He wasn't affectionate. What was he supposed to do? Hug her? Say 'it's ok. I know I'm a monster but I won't shoot you.' He was sure as hell not going to do that.

She was still crying and he sighed. He put his arm around her and pulled her towards the door. They passed a confused and shocked Chris as they walked out. Probably wondering why Estefania looked so distraught. She seemed to be cooperating so he didn't mind really.

They got into the car and he got into the back seat with her. He could tell she was still a bit out of it from the few shots she took and he didn't want her doing something stupid, like trying to jump out the car. "Stop crying," he told her. "You have no connection to these people and you're acting like you personally know them."

She looked at him while she was drying her face and he could visibly see she was trying to calm herself down. "It's not even that...I mean It is, what you did was cruel and evil!! But..It just hit me...that I'm marrying you. A have no heart. No remorse. You're doing this all because of some money! You're sick," she spat as Dominic was actually surprised. She never insulted him in their few days together. He couldn't believe she was crying this hard. Her eyes were puffy and her shoulders kept shaking uncontrollably. She kept on making these hiccup noises and looked like someone just told her, both of her parents died.

"I've learned to accept that and so should you. I'm not changing for anyone so get used to it kitten," he snapped as she glared at him angrily. He had to admit she looked pretty damn good when she was upset. Not to mention her long tanned legs were exposed for him to see. If she wasn't so terrified of him he would definitely sleep with her. He was going to have his way. Eventually. Whether she liked it or not. He chuckled, as he looked out the window. Knowing he was messed up. Who would get turned on by a girl bawling her fucking eyes out? He did, and he knew he was so sick for it too.

Hope you guys liked this chapter? I know, Dominic is a really big asshole but it might change. Ok I'm 80% sure he won't but I mean...hey. Anyway enjoy and please vote or comment! 

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