The Elephant in the room

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Stef looked at herself in the mirror. She thought she cleaned up pretty good, if she did say so herself. She put on a knee length blue dress that hugged around her hips, a pair of black flat.she found at her bedroom door when she heard a knock on it and at least fifteen pair of heels were piled by the door. She wasn't to keen on wearing heels...ever really but then she saw the designer ones and almost died in her doorway.

Jimmy Choos, Christian Louboutins, Steigers, Alexander McQueens, and Miu Mius. She could probably sell all of these shoes and pay for her four years of college! She spent at least an hour trying to figure out which shoes to wear, then she decided to change her entire outfit and wore a red and black dress to match her red and black Louboutins. She almost cried when she had seen them, she'd always wanted to own a pair! She knew she had to mail a pair of these to Taliah, or else she would die.

After she decided on what pair of shoes to wear she went back to her face. She put on some lips gloss and mascara and thought about eye shadow, but decided she didn't want to. She also put her hair into nice curls and slipped on a silver bracelet that her mom gave her.

When she decided she was done she went down stairs and started on her search for Dominic. As she walked through the house with her shoes in hand she wondered how many rooms she could check until she found him. She didn't want to yell his name in case he got mad or someone else was in the house talking to him.

"Fine. Just kill him. No skin off my back...what to do to the body? Send a message to his family. Make sure Wren doesn't fuck this one up." Stef put a hand to her mouth. This was the second time she had overheard him talking to someone about hurting people! He was a pyscho and she was going to be alone with him. For the rest of her life.

"Dominic. I'm ready," she said as he turned around. He looked like he shaved a bit and as he came closer to her she could smell his cologne. He smelt really, really good. He was also out of his muscle shirt and sweats and into a nice looking suit. As she finished checking him out she realized he was checking her out too. It wasn't it a flirtatious way, more of a scrutinizing way.

"No makeup?" He questioned as he walked pass her. She held on to her bag tighter as she tried not to say anything that would land her in trouble.

"I don't wear make up, really."

"You should change that," he advised her as she felt her cheeks warm. She didn't think she needed tons of make up like other girls! She knew he probably was used to women painted like clowns around and not natural so she tried to cut him some slack. Tried to at least.

"Come on," he said as he opened the door. She stopped midway through the door trying to remember if she had forgotten something. "Come on," he repeated as she sighed loudly. Whatever she was just thinking of remembering to put in her purse was long gone in her thoughts now...

~~~At Tony's house~~~

As they walked into the incredibly huge mansion, Stef felt herself holding onto Dominic's bicep even tighter. There were people....not so nice looking people standing around, sipping their drinks, staring at them. Well, probably her.

Dominic put his arm around her waist and moved her closer to him. "You look like you're about to throw up. Stop looking like that," he growled into her ear. "Now smile like I'm whispering something hilarious or sweet into your ear," he ordered her as she put a fake smile on her lips and tried not to push his hand off her hip.

"Family!" Someone said as they both looked up. It was Wren. He had a huge smile on his face and was looking like he just won a prize. "Hey Stef. Looking good," he said while winking.

She suppressed a giggle as Dominic's grip tightened on her hip. She wondered if it was because she laughed or because of his brother. "Hi Wren," she said as she waved to him.

"Wren did you and Chris finish that thing I told you guys to?" Dominic questioned as Wren nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

He smiled sheepishly. "So...uh like I was saying. Little complication. See uh his family was home and we thought they weren't and dad wants all of us here because he has to tell us something real important so the uh thing is in the trunk of my car."

She was scared to even look at Dominic's face. "So you have a bloody body in the back of your trunk?" Wren nodded. "Do you have him wrapped in something so his blood doesn't get all over your car?" Wren shook his head. "Give me your damn keys. Tell our father why I'll be late when the meeting starts," Dominic said as Wren gave him his keys. "Wren...does Rob still need to pay up?" Wren nodded. "Never mind," he said while giving Wren back the keys.

"Dominic...that face isn't a good face. What are you planning?" Wren asked as she watched Wren's face loose color a bit. She wondered what the heck was going on. She wondered who Chris and Wren murdered...

"Keep the body, bring it to Sam's wife. She'll know what to do with it. Tomorrow we're going to pay Rob a visit," Dominic said while he chuckled and took a glass of champagne she guessed off a waiters platter.

"Dommy! Your here!" Wren whistled and wiggled his eye brows at his brother as Stef turned her head to see who was calling Dominic.

The first thing she noticed was cleavage and a whirlwind of blonde hair barreling towards Dominic. She was almost knocked off her butt! "Dominic I missed you so much!" The woman said as Stef looked at Wren and Wren looked away from her.

"Vanessa. Stop it," Dominic said as he pulled the woman off of him. She was no doubt beautiful. With long honey blonde hair, and a short red dress that hugged her perfect figure...well perfectly. She was wearing sky high stilettos and of course a painted face. Now Stef understood why Dominic asked her about her makeup.

"Stop what? I haven't seen my man in like four months and-"

"Vanessa stop talking. You're going to embarrass yourself," Dominic warned as she laughed and looked at Stef then at him again.

She took a step closer to Stef as she began to glare at Stef. "Who are you?"

"She's my fiancé, Vanessa," Dominic told her. Stef watched as her eyes widened and she suddenly looked furious. "Her name is Estefania."

"Dominic...what are you talking about?! Who the hell is she? She's're mine. How could you do this to me!" She shouted at him as Stef suddenly felt really, really bad. The woman was tearing up and she just looked completely heart broken.

Dominic looked annoyed more than anything. "Do what to you? You're nothing to me anymore. You knew that, I knew that. Don't come back from your little vacation and act like you don't know what the hell is going on. What did you expect? That you were going to come back here looking like a slut and I would take you back. Or wait you would come here looking like the innocent heart broken thing that everyone knows you aren't. You failed. Instead you made an idiot out of yourself in front of all these people."

Stef was staring at Dominic with her mouth to the floor. She didn't even know what to think...or do. Or say. All eyes were on them...well more like on Dominic and his ex. "You have me all figured out right?" Stef looked to 'Vanessa.' She looked like she was holding her emotions together by a thread. Then she suddenly let loose a loud laugh. "Ok baby. We'll see about that. Bye Estefania. Bye everyone!" She shouted as she took a glass of wine from a platter and barged off, towards the door.

"Stef, stay with Wren. Wren don't lay a hand on her," Dominic warned as he barged off to some other room. Stef looked around the place, people were staring at her as if she did something! She just stood there...she had nothing to do with it.

"C'mon Stef. Don't worry about her or him... let's go introduce you to some people."


So got a new character, Vanessa. Do you guys feel bad for her or nah?? Hope you guys like this chapter! Next chapter might be Dominics POV or half in Dominics POV. Idk still deciding. Please vote and comment!!

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