Drunk..not in love

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"So that was Dominc's ex girlfriend?" Stef asked as Wren lead her down some random hallway. After Vanessa left and Dominic, Wren said he was going to go take her to meet some Important people. She just hoped they were nice....

Wren nodded. "Yeah. They were on and off though, but she literally slept with the enemy and Dominic almost killed her. I swear it took three guys to hold him down," Wren said while he shivered and Stef raised her eye brows. She wondered if he really still did care about her. He could have just been lying to Vanessa just because she was there...or he could have been telling the truth because she was a cheater. "Honestly he wouldn't have been that pissed becuase they cheated on each other all the time," Wren explained. "But since he was 'he who shall not be named' and Dominic lost it. You should have seen the place."

Stef started to get a bit worried. Was his temper that bad? She wondered what he meant by "lost it." "Lost it like what?" She questioned.

"Lost it like...hmmm. She started it. He called her some names she threw a knife at him and it was all down hill from there."

Stef stopped and looked at Wren. "She threw a knife at him?!" He nodded. "Well what did he do to her?" Stef could never imagine throwing a knife at him. As much as she hated the jerk, that was just pyschotic...and crazy!

Wren shrugged. "No big deal really. He choked her a bit and just broke her wrist...and she broke her ankle."

"No biggie...ankle and wrist?! Is that a thing with his past girlfriends? Being abusive?" She knew Dominic was crazy

Wren shook his head. "She fell down the steps on her own, that's how the ankle thing happened. Like I said I only ever seen him hit a girl once. He didn't even punch her just flicked her wrist. We were taught never to hit a woman and technically he didn't."

Stef shook her head. Now she was extremely terrified! She was a fragile human being. She used to break things all the time when she was little. Her fingers, her wrist, her ankle. Twice! And she dislocated her shoulder a few times.

"Hey you look like he's going to come in one day swinging. Trust me he won't ever lay a hand on you," Wren reassured her as they walked down a staircase. "Now this is where all the women go. Well young females. Basically thirty and under women come in here when the meetings start, but until then everyone comes down here to get drunk," Wren explained while opening the door.

Stef walked in and looked around. The smell of smoke and alcohol filled the air. There were at least twenty five people in there and they were all looking at them.

"Family!" Someone said while walking towards them. It was a tall guy with a drink in his hand...he kind of looked like Uncle Anthony. "Wren who is your beautiful friend? Sorry babe I'm engaged," he said while winking at her.

Wren laughed. A big loud one. "Tony, dude. This is my brothers fiance." The look on Tony's face was priceless. The drink in his hand he downed it and laughed. "Yeah better start digging your grave. She already has a sexy family member that tempts her to cheat." They both gave him a confusing look and he sighed, pointing to himself. "Duh, me!"

Stef gave Wren a disapproving glare. ""Um...hi I'm Stef." She said while holding out her hand.

"You touch her you die!" Someone called. Tony rolled his eyes as a dark haired young woman walked up from behind him. "You're the one who threatened Vanessa right? Dominic's new play toy?" The woman asked.

"I didn't um threaten her...and I'm Dominic's fiancé." She told her as she rolled here eyes and walked away. She came back with two shots in hand.

"We'll go ahead," she said as she handed Wren and Stef each a up of clear liquid. "Hey pendejas! We're toasting to Dominic's new girl who went all psycho bitch on Vanessa!"

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