•Twenty Eight•

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•Trigger Warning•

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•Trigger Warning•

Zaccai didn't know if she should take Argentos threats to heart, even though they weren't meant for her it was still chilling to know what he could do.

Zaccai looked up at Argento, who was staring at her with a small smile barely visible "Petit oiseau I have to leave now, If there's anything you want Kasey will provide you" he kissed her on the lips showing who she belonged to she reciprocated grabbing onto his shirt for support.

When Argento took his lips from hers, she then remembered someone else was in the room and started blushing hiding her face.

"Bruce remember my warning" with that Argento left the house seemingly angry he wished he could stay.

Zaccai turned her body towards Bruce looking up at him, he was a very tall man she reached his breast and that was something for Argento she reached at his stomach.

"H-hi," she said nervously, twisting her fingers, Zaccai didn't want to initiate the conversation but he was just staring at her.

Bruce started smiling without saying anything she saw him staring her at her, his eyes trailing from her toes towards her head, stopping at her chest and hip which was clothed but still prominent.

Just as he was about to answer Kasey stepped inside the room "Miss. Tevel your breakfast is ready," she smiled and followed Kasey towards the kitchen she felt someone staring at her from behind but brushed it off.

Zaccai went towards the chair sitting down and started eating her food when she was finished, she went towards the sitting room Bruce following closely behind.

"Uh, d-do you want to sit d-down?" she didn't see the need for him to be standing all the time.

Bruce made his way sitting beside her too close for comfort, but she kept her mouth shut.

Then there was silence.

" So... Miss Tevel?" Bruce asked, looking down at her.

"Y-you can call me Z-Zaccai" she replied squirming under his never wavering gaze.

"Hmm, beautiful name for a beautiful girl" his voice was getting flirtier by the minute even though Zaccai didn't notice.

She blushed hiding her face, it didn't feel right, she couldn't tell what was wrong, but it felt like she was betraying Argento.

"How innocent are you?" Bruce whispered in her ears, bringing his face near to hers as he watched her lips that were open in surprise. He licked his.

"Uh... Uh... Am... I"

"Because I think it's just a mask... Hmm, how naughty are you... I bet boss doesn't know or doesn't he pleasure you enough?" by now Zaccai was shaking in fear and Bruce was practically sitting on her his hands trapping her in the couch.

"P-please m-move" she tried pushing against his chest that stood still not moving an inch.

"You know you want me, I saw how you were looking at me from behind him I can fuck you much better than that piece of cunt it will be our little secret" Bruce voice had a sinister undertone in it as his eyes turned darker.

"N-no move p-please" tears were already running down her face as she pushed harder into his chest, but Bruce took no notice of it grabbing her hands he locked them behind aggressively and painfully it would surely leave a mark.

Zaccai shrieked at the discomfort and pain she perceived.

"No one tells me no, stop acting like you don't want me, you little whore, don't worry, I'll be your daddy, I'll take care of this body that you have on display" Bruce, eyes were wild as a menacing smile formed on his face, he looked at her body licking his lips.

Zaccai could only cry as she felt his hands starting to rub her body down, she felt sick, it was disgusting to her that he was touching her like this, it felt nothing like Argentos touch.

"Why the fuck are you crying... Oh, I see you're playing hard to get I bet once I fuck you you'll be a begging me for more" Bruce grabbed her legs pushing them open as he climbed between, them pushing her down.

Zaccai have put a terrifying scream kicking him, Bruce was pissed that he slaps her across the face making her let out a choked sob.

"Fine you want to play hard, we play hard," he started unbuckling his belt.

When Zaccai saw what he was doing, she lets out one more terrifying scream while crying, making her voice sound strangled the bruise on her face darkening and becoming swollen.

Before Bruce could cause more damage Kasey finally came and pulled him off knocking him out with a syringe.

Kasey quickly went toward Zaccai who was curled up on the couch, she flinched as he touched her, he quickly retracted his hands going for his phone to call Argento.

Kasey knew, he would be in big trouble he should have been watching her and if he was, he would see her almost getting raped.

He always knew not to trust Bruce he was being sketchy around Zaccai but he tried not thinking too much about it as he trusted his master to pick someone to protect Zaccai.

But he was wrong Bruce was a piece of scum who was going to violate her body–Bruce definitely knew she belonged to Argento but was brave enough to try such thing.

Argento picked up the call.

"Yes, Kasey" his voice said from the other line

"Master, we have a problem" Kasey tried not to sound scared even if he was reeking in it.

"Just talk Kasey" Argento growled tired of him extending out the conversation.

"Sir Bruce tried to violate Zaccai she is now crying and Bruce is knocked out..."

"WHAT!!!... Kasey tell me your fucking lying!!!... FUCK!!!... Where is she?" Kasey could hear shuffling from the other side and was sure that Argento was making his way out the office.

"She's on the couch crying she..."

"Jesus fucking Christ am coming home make sure that idiot is still knocked out by any means..."

Kasey could hear the anger in his voice, but when it went silent that scared him even more.

"... And Kasey?"

"Yes Master"

"You better have a good reason for not watching her" and with that the line was cut short.

1191 words

Holy Crap as much as this was hard to write [might have cried a little] I'm am still proud of it.

But to be clear I do NOT support rape or any form of it, it's just a story by no means am I mocking it, this is a serious problem in the world.


Any who... I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and am sorry if it's a trigger for you I did not intend that.

Also I ended this chapter on a cliffhanger this next chapter is going to be banging!! I can't wait.

Don't forget to shoot that vote button [beat it up!] and Comment anything... have a great day and thanks for the never ending support I virtually love you all🤙🏼🤪😘



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