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Zaccai felt like there was fire on her face by how much she was blushing

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Zaccai felt like there was fire on her face by how much she was blushing.

She didn't know that man, the only thing she knew was that his name was Argento she didn't remember his last name.

Zaccai was glad he came in time, she didn't know what the crooked teeth cunt eater was going to do to her but she knew it wasn't something good.

And for that, she was thankful Argento came.

'He was beautiful, very beautiful' she thought even though he might have also been a cunt except he was beautiful.

He made her feel like there was an imaginary fire biting through her body and Zaccai was a normally cold person even through the heat her body temperature stays the same.

She had never been that close to a person that was not her family and friends, even worse her body never reacted so foreign.

It wanted him.

Her body wanted him... Unknowingly.

Her body was jerked forward by no other than Camila giving her a worried look.

"Where have you been!?.... Who was that? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? He did, didn't he!?.... Why aren't you answering me!!" Camila shouts frantically shaking Zaccai who was looking at her with wide eyes with a scared look in her eyes.

She had never seen Camila like this and she doesn't know if she ever wants to.

"Why aren't you answering!?" Camila repeats throwing her hands in the air in a frustrated manner.

"B-because I-I don't remember what you asked," Zaccai said softly shrinking away from Camila she felt like she was in trouble.

Shaking her head, Camila took her hands and pulled her towards the bar counter.

"Now tell me what happened" Camila demanded, looking into Zaccai eyes not blinking which freaked out Zaccai a little.

Once Zaccai was comfily sitting on the stool she started not looking at Camila "I-I wanted to go t-to the bathroom and s-someone accidentally touched my butt a-and, and he s-said he would m-make it up to me and I a-agreed but he still hadn't made it up t-to me" Zaccai retaliated in a small voice.

"Jesus Christ Zaccai I told you not to talk to anyone even worse follow anyone, anywhere and the fact you didn't listen to both almost got you to suffer the consequences" Yelled Camila she has clearly told her not to talk to anyone but she did the opposite only God knows what her Zaccai parents would do to her if they found out Zaccai almost got hurt.

"Am sorry" Bawled Zaccai, Camila had not realized throughout all her shouting Zaccai was crying and internally cursing herself for not listening to Camila.

Thinking about that reminded her of the man–Argento, who saved her from the crooked teeth cursed tendencies.

It also scared that she was thinking about this unknown man, she didn't even remember his last name.

It's not healthy.

Just thinking about him have her weird feelings, Zaccai didn't know if these new, unknown feelings were supposed to scare her or not.

"Zaccai are you even listening to me!"

Zaccai was frightened out of her head space by Camila's shouting.

"What?" Zaccai said, at a loss.

"We're leaving?" Camila said, pulling Zaccai from the stool towards the exit of the club.

Before they could make it past the exit Zaccai roam her eyes over the cluttered club trying to find the man who made her mind muddled and her body react in such ways.

Deep brown, almost black eyes Connected with her. He was watching her with a passive look on his face in the dark corner of the room you could almost miss him if you weren't looking carefully with how good he was blending in with the dark.

A final tug on her wrist pulled her outside in the cold alcoholic air where there was still a long line of people waiting to get into the executive club and it was already 10:30 pm.

When Zaccai was in the warm security of the car she buckled her seatbelt, Camila did she the same and drove out of the vast parking lot of the club.

"Am sorry for shouting at you, I didn't mean it, I was just upset that I promised that you'd have a fun night and instead you guy some man groping you" Camila sighted keeping her eyes locked on the road a pained look on her face.

"It's ok, I understand, I-I forgive you" Zaccai have her a big smile only for a yawn to release from her mouth, she rested her head on the window while slapping her mouth together and closing her eyes.

Before she was pulled into the dark abyss Zaccai mumbled "Happy three years friend anniversary".

Camila chuckled at Zaccai silliness she almost missed what she said if it wasn't for the quiet night as well as the deserted road she probably wouldn't have.

"Goodnight and happy three years anniversary sister"

887 words

I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't really have much to say just remember to vote if you like the chapter and also comment... Bye!!

Nb// the song has nothing to do with the chapter I just really like this song

No jokes today


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