I Wanted To Share Some Art With Y'all

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Hi! Sorry this isn't a oneshot, but I wanted to share some Hamilton inspired art I did tonight. A burst of creativity and an hour later I came up with this.

The blue triangles represent Eliza. I wanted the triangles to be like shards of a broken heart, and to look like they could fit together at one time. I chose triangles because in my mind, I was like "Okay, Hamilton's cheating ruined three lives: Phillip's, Eliza's, and the life of his legacy", hence, triangles.

The bottom half is for Maria. I chose flowers because flowers look nice and pretty, but many have thorns, you know?

Alright, next little thing about it is that Maria's side is more spread out than Eliza's, and that's because the Reynolds affair was an extremely empty relationship while Alexander's marriage to Eliza was a passionate and complete relationship.

I colored Eliza's side more delicately and artistically than Maria's haphazard shading for the same reason.

So, yeah. Roast me in the comments all you want, I know I'm not a good artist. But yeah, I just felt like sharing some creativity with you all!

More oneshots coming soon!

All the love,
Kath xx

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