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A bit of a play on the time frame of things, just don't think too much into the time/year of this one

Come on and dance with me
Clap your hands with me
Go to France with me

Pippa sighed, taking another bite from her salad. She was exhausted, and it was the type of exhaustion where the sheer task of literally anything felt way too overwhelming. "Hey, Princess!" Lin called as he came into the apartment and hung up his coat. Lin gave Pippa's cheek a kiss as he went to their shared bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

"How was the dinner meeting?" Pippa asked, taking another bite, as Lin sat down.

"Um, pretty boring." Lin chuckled as he sat down. "But it was good, we talked some pretty important things."

"And what were those important things?" Pippa asked.

"Well, I had to turn them down." Lin looked down at his hands. Pippa's head shot up.

"What do you mean?! You just met with a big time directing team, and you turned them down?!" Pippa exclaimed, but instantly regretted it because, of course, the exhaustion had overtaken her.

"Pippa, they want me to change my whole show! And I don't want my name on the same program as directors who don't stand by my show as I intend it!" Lin shouted and stood up from the table, slamming his hands down as he did so.

Pippa flinched at the sudden burst of anger from her boyfriend. "Alright, I'm sorry I asked." Pippa whispered, standing up as well, and putting her plate in the dishwasher.

Lin followed Pippa into their bedroom, finally realizing what he had said. "Listen," He started, making Pippa turn around. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

Pippa sighed as she turned around. "I accept your apology." She smiled and gave Lin a hug. Lin kissed the top of her head, and they settled there for a moment.

"Look at yourself." He whispered as she pulled away from the hug. "You look exhausted."

"That's because I am." Pippa frowned and looked down. "I mean, there's no way for me to avoid that."

"Well, you haven't taken an off day, have you?" Lin asked.

"An off day?" Pippa asked, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, a day where you put in your understudy, and you rest. Leads do it all the time. Sometimes, they even come see the show for themselves. We could have a day off tomorrow, and then go see the show that night." Lin suggested.

Pippa smiled. "That sounds really fun."

"That sounds like a plan." Lin smiled, kissing Pippa's forehead. "Now, before we go to sleep..." Lin stepped closer to Pippa and held her hands, raising one arm into a somewhat proper waltz frame. He spun her around, making her laugh. After a kiss on the tip of her nose, they danced in the blissful silence for a little bit longer, just taking in each other's company.


"Do I look okay?" Pippa asked, walking from their bedroom in an a-line red dress and black heels.

"Okay?" Lin gasped. "You look amazing."

"Why, thank you." Pippa smiled, doing a quick twirl just to make her skirt spin. Lin chuckled; she was the absolute cutest person ever.

"Of course. Are you ready to go?" Lin asked.


And with that, the two were on their way to the theater...well, it was the tent that Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812 was performed in, but same difference. And in what felt like the blink of an eye, the cast was taking their final bows, and the audience were all on their feet.

"I can't believe I get to be in that every night. It's crazy!" Pippa said as they were walking out. The sound of her heels on the pavement filled the air between her comment and Lin's response.

"Well, you should believe it. They're very lucky to have you." Lin said, swinging Pippa's arm slowly, where they were holding hands.

"You are just a charmer, aren't you?" Pippa laughed.


A couple of months after that, Pippa found herself facing the five week break the cast was given as a break for the entire cast. A much needed break, I should mention.

Pippa woke up the first morning of that break to an empty bed. She traveled around the apartment to find her favorite hoodie and leggings outfit laid out, two suitcases packed, and Lin standing in front of the door.

"Get dressed, we're going on an adventure." Lin smiled. Pippa grabbed the outfit and changed quickly, throwing her hair into a messy bun in the car ride.

"Where are we going?" Pippa asked.

"On an adventure." Lin smiled.

"Stop, where are we going?!"

"You'll see." Lin winked.


"I cannot believe you." Pippa gushed, seeing the hotel room they had walked in to.

"Well, you deserve this break." Lin kissed Pippa.

"I love you so much." Pippa kissed Lin. "I still can't believe you pulled this trip off. How'd you do it?"

"Hey, a magician never reveals his secrets." Lin winked once more.

A couple of hours later, they were sitting on the balcony of a fancy French restaurant, over looking the Eiffel Tower itself. They ordered an amazing dinner, and split an even better dessert, and right as they were about to leave, Lin distracted Pippa by pointing out something pretty behind her, and while she was turned around, he got down on one knee, and opened a small velvet box.


A/N: This song is literally for one of our group tour dances and it is a great time 😂😂

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now