Our Lives Are Not Your Theater

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This quote came from a headline of an article that I can no longer find (of course, way to go Kath haha). I am not sure of the site's credibility, but this is where I found the quote. Enjoy!

"Lin, I'm home!" Pippa called, setting her purse on the table. "Lin?" She called once more, concerned when she didn't get an answer the first time like she usually did. Pippa walked through the apartment and stopped at their closed bedroom door.

The door was rarely closed all the way, even when they slept. Lin liked keeping the door open for whatever reason, and Pippa would rather sleep with it closed. They compromised by leaving the door ajar almost all of the time.

"Hon?" Pippa asked, opening the door. Pippa gasped quietly when she saw Lin, his legs off the edge of the bed, tears streaking his face. "Hey, what's going on? Did something happen?"

Lin kicked his legs onto the mattress and turned his back to Pippa. She frowned and took her shoes off before laying down beside him. "Go away." Lin mumbled, his throat clogged with emotion. Pippa sighed, but respected Lin's wishes. If he wanted to be alone, then she'd leave him alone. Pippa left but not before kissing the back of Lin's head.

She'd never seen Lin like this, and she was worried.


Lin emerged from their bedroom some two hours later, to find Pippa making fajitas. His eyes were still red, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"They don't want me, Pippa." Lin whispered, tears brimming his eyes once more as he sat at the table and put his head in his hands.

"What do you mean, Love?" Pippa turned the stove on low and sat across from Lin.

Lin sighed. "Did you not see?"

"See what?"

Lin sat up slightly and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. He opened an app and after typing on the keyboard for a few moments, he flipped his phone towards Pippa.

She stared at the row of tweets and pictures displayed on the screen. One that stuck out to her was one of a group of teens with a sign that read our lives are not your theater.

"Now even Puerto Rico doesn't want me." Lin sighed when he took his phone back.

Pippa bit her bottom lip, thinking of the right words to say. "Lin...it's not you."

Lin rolled his eyes. "Then what is it, Phillipa?!" He got up out of his chair and made his way over to the piano in the living room.

Pippa sighed. "Have you ever thought that it's what's happening in the community." Pippa said as she walked into the room. Lin tried to drown her voice out by loudly playing some melody on the piano. "Lin!" Pippa shouted over the notes being played. "It's not you, they're just stressed!" With that, the music stopped.

"What?" Lin asked.

"Lin," Pippa sat beside him on the piano bench. "Puerto Rico loves you. Those kids are just stressed. Think about it, they're in a really rough financial situation now. That's a lot of weight on all of them. They're probably misunderstanding your intentions with bringing Hamilton to their Island."

"You really think so?" Lin muttered.

"I know so." Pippa said, making Lin look right at her. She brushed his hair - that he was growing back out for the role - away from his forehead. "Now, let me see you smile."

Lin frowned. "I can't."

Pippa smirked. "What if I showed you this?" She pulled her phone out and showed Lin a similar picture, but this was from when he brought In The Heights to Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico loves Lin!

Lin cracked a small smile at the image. "Thanks, Pip."

"And guess who else loves Lin?"

"Who?" Lin gently chuckled.

"Me." Pippa smiled and kissed Lin's lips.


Loves, I'm snowed in with my boyfriend (that's kinda crazy to say). He fell asleep, and it is snowing like crazy here!

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day! Xx

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora