Insatiable / Pun Intended

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// insatiable: unable to be satisfied //

Lin tied his hair into a knot somewhere in between a ponytail and a bun. He groaned in pain and rolled his neck in hopes that that could make the pain go away. It didn't. He threw down his pencil in utter frustration and exhaustion, and sat back in his swivel chair. Lin aimlessly spun around a few times until he picked up his phone. It was late. He figured it'd be better to send a group text, rather than to call.

Lin to Hamilcast: I'm sorry


Pippa dried her damp hair, and glanced down when her phone vibrated. She frowned at the text she saw from Lin, and opened their own one-on-one chat.

Pippa to Linnamon Roll: Sorry for what, Love?

Linnamon Roll: I'm just sorry.

Pippa: Lin, what are you even talking about?

Linnamon Roll: I already said it. I'm sorry.

Pippa: Lin, I'm not sure what is going on, but I think it'd be in your best interest to get some rest, alright?

Linnamon Roll: Fine.

Pippa: Goodnight, Love.

Linnamon Roll: Goodnight.


The next morning, everyone was concerned over Lin's late night text, but Pippa was the first one to speak up over it. "Is everything alright, Lin?" She asked, pulling him aside after a run of Helpless. Most of the cast had filed out to get dinner, so Pippa seized the opportunity.

"Everything's fine." Lin mumbled, digging around in his binder for something.

"Then what were you apologizing for at almost midnight last night?" Pippa asked out of genuine concern.

Lin sighed. "I'm just sorry that I'm insatiable."


"Meaning unable to be satisfied. No pun intended. I'm sorry that I'm a perfectionist, I'm sorry I'm always changing things on you guys, I'm sorry I can't just settle. I'm sorry I'm not perfect."

"Lin," Pippa turned him to face her. "Where is this coming from? Because you are so incredibly amazing. Why are you thinking any differently?"

"Because it's true." He mumbled once more.

Pippa frowned. "It is not true. That's a bold faced lie, and you know it!" Pippa wrapped Lin into a hug. "You are so freaking talented, Lin. I can't believe that you don't believe that. You're being nitpicky with the best intentions, and we understand that." Pippa smiled and rubbed Lin's back. "And my goodness gracious, if your future children even have a fraction of your talent, they are going to take over the world." Pippa chuckled, and Lin snickered. "Yes, pun intended."


We were taught strength today...❤

(But in all seriousness...short and sweet, and I'm so sorry I've been so M.I.A., a lot's happened.

But I hope you liked this one!)


Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now