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Once again inspired by spacexgay. Thank you, Lovie, for always giving me such amazing prompts when my brain is fried xx I hope you enjoy it xx

Pippa hadn't been the same since she was told that she'd be walking the headlining collection for New York Fashion Week 2019.

She'd just come off a successful Summer season in Milan, as well as she'd just come home to her long-distance boyfriend, Lin.

He promised her the whole long-distance thing would work out. She was only in Milan for four months, and sure enough, the two pulled through.

When she came back from Milan, she'd returned significantly thinner than when she left. Lin figured she didn't indulge in any of the carb-dense food Italy was known for.

Within a month or so of being back in Manhattan, Pippa had returned to her usual, healthy modeling weight.

That made Lin happy. Pippa was healthy.

Now, fast forward two months, and Pippa was hired to walk for Christian Louboutin, and open one of the biggest press weeks in Manhattan.


Pippa carefully slid the covers off of her legs, trying her absolute hardest to be as silent as possible.

Lin had been at meetings into the late hours of the night the previous night. They were creative meetings regarding a move to Broadway for his newest creation, In The Heights.

Pippa tiptoed around the home, avoiding the spots in the floor she knew creaked.

As she entered the kitchen, she grabbed her favorite water bottle, filling it up to the top with mostly ice, but of course, water too. Pippa grabbed a quick protein shake from the fridge.

She scribbled a quick note down for Lin.

Good morning, Sweetheart! It's like 4 a.m., and you're still sleeping. I'm headed to a workout with some of the other girls that are walking the Louboutin collection with me. See you soon.

Pips x


It was around seven a.m. when Lin woke up to the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows. He stretched his arms, feeling refreshed and content after the deep sleep he had. Those meetings had really tired him out, and he was beyond thankful for a day off.

Lin turned the corner to the kitchen and came across the note Pippa had left him. He mumbled what she wrote to himself as he read through it.

After he read it, he glanced at the clock. She'd left almost three hours ago. If she was just going for a workout, wouldn't she have returned by now?

Lin figured it couldn't hurt to give her a call, to just check in on her.

He perched his cell phone between his cheek and his shoulder as he dug through the pantry, looking for something to eat for breakfast.

"C'mon, Pips..." Lin mumbled as the phone continued to ring without answer. "Phillipa!" Lin cursed her name as the call went to Pippa's voicemail box.

He called her once more and texted her a few times, but ultimately figured that she'd answer when she would.

It was only about thirty five minutes later when Pippa did unlock the apartment door and enter the home.

"Pippa!" Lin exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa. "You had me worried sick." He half-joked, peppering her cheek with kisses.

"I'm sorry." Pippa spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.

Lin sighed, brushing his thumb over Pippa's cheek. "You were gone for ages. You and the girls really worked out for that long?" He asked, worried.

"They left a bit earlier than I did." Pippa admitted, looking down.

Lin frowned, not knowing how far she'd gone today. "How much earlier, Pippa?"

"Couple hours."

Lin sighed. "Phillipa, why are you doing this to yourself?"

Pippa dropped her gaze. "Lin, I'm too exhausted to argue. Rich said it's important to recover after a workout, and--" She tried to get Lin off of this topic by throwing out a tip from her trainer that she didn't even see today, but he didn't quit.

"Pippa, why? You've gotten so much healthier since Milan. You've been happier and more energetic, and I haven't seen you like this since we started dating." Lin coaxed. "C'mere." He pulled Pippa into his arms.

After holding her close for a moment, he pulled her away, commenting on how he could feel her entire body shaking.

"I feel in control this way." Pippa started. "Christian is so specific about his models. He doesn't let just anyone wear his red shoes during Fashion Week. Working out like this makes me happy, Lin."

Lin tilted her chin gently up with his finger. "I bet I could make you happier." He smiled.

Lin pulled Pippa into a kiss. A kiss that distracted Pippa from the soreness that wracked through her body from her workout as well as the stress that clouded her mind as the show quickly approached. This was a kiss that calmed her down for one split second in time.


Update: I'm too short to model lol. But I'm going to find an agency that'll let me work. It'll be great, guys. We got this.

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant