Opening Night Nerves

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The curtain rose in an hour for the opening night of Hamilton, and Lin was freaking out beyond reason. "Lin, I can hear your heart racing from the other side of this door." Pippa sighed, shaking the locked doorknob.

Lin opened the door, staring back at both his stage and offstage love. In a split second, he yanked Pippa's arm, and pulled her into the dressing room. "I'm freaking out, Pippa!" Lin admitted, wanting to waste no time by tiptoeing around the matter.

"Hey, hey, there's no reason to be." Pippa hugged Lin, but he pushed her off, obviously not wanting to be touched.

"What if they don't like it. What if--" Lin interrupted himself as his breaths became more or less hyperventilations. His "what if's" became more mumbling than anything, and he anxiously walked himself in a circle.

"Lin, you have to breathe. Come here, come here." Pippa tried to hug him once more as his breaths became more and more shallow. "Look me in the eyes. Deep breaths."

"No, no, you don't under...understand! Pippa, I-I..." Lin continued to stutter through his "deep" breaths. "They're going to hate it!" Lin exclaimed, not being able to comprehend that that's a lie. Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"Lin, you're going to make yourself sick, Love. You have to breathe, please." Pippa held him in her arms again. She could feel his entire body shaking as she kissed his forehead. Lin suddenly pulled away from the hug and reached for a nearby trashcan. Lin's hyperventilating morphed into dry heaves as he dropped to his knees. Pippa sighed, saying I told you so to herself. She knelt down beside her boyfriend. "Hey, hey, Love, take some deep breaths, let me take this jacket off you, okay?" Pippa whispered, slowly removing the heavy fabric from ontop of Lin's already heavy costuming.

Lin slowly lifted his head once his heaving stopped, and looked back at Pippa. "My God, I'm scared." Lin mumbled. His eyes studied his girl's face; her neatly done hair and glossed lips were something that resonated calmness within the bottom of his heart. He needed Pippa. He loved Pippa.

"Hey, you have no reason to be scared. You're going to kill it as Alexander. You worked forever for this, okay? I was there. I saw all the hard work this show took, and all the weight it put on you. You deserve this. Now, this curtain is going up here in less than an hour, and we are going to slay, alright?" Pippa told Lin, holding both of his hands. Lin nodded slowly. "Okay." Pippa pressed a gentle kiss to Lin's forehead. "I'm going to go get you some water, okay? I love you, and you have no reason to be scared. Everyone will love this show."

Pippa stood up to get Lin a bottle of water, and she sighed to herself. She knew the nerves got to Lin, but never like this. Pippa grabbed a water bottle from a mini fridge, and went back to Lin, silently saying a prayer that she wouldn't ever have to see Lin that nervous over something he loved ever again.


Short and kind of sweet! Hope you enjoyed! Xx.

P.S. We danced outside in 40-45° weather, as it rained and sleet-ed (is that a word? You get it, sleet was coming down from the sky haha), and I'm feeling really sick, so if I'm M.I.A for a few days, that's why. Thanks, Loves! Xx. ❤

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