Double Major (2)

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Matt is still a completely fictional character.

The class Pippa didn't want to end, unfortunately ended in a breeze. She didn't want it to end because she didn't want to go talk to Lin. While they were really good friends, she knew he'd get her to confess either way, and she was scared that if she did, Matt would hurt her again.

The whole class stood up when the class wrapped, Lin and Pippa staying towards the back of the mass so they could have not such a crowded hallway to speak in. They somehow got around Matt’s point of view, seeing that he was distracted by a conversation between him and another friend.

“Talk to me.” Lin said, calmly. He gently touched her shoulder, but she jumped back once more. “You're acting really strange, Pippa.”

“I'm sorry, I'm just tired.” Pippa pulled her arms deeper into her sleeves, suddenly feeling so thankful that the hoodie was a size or two bigger than she normally wore.

“You're acting like I'm going to hurt you.” Lin looked at her, his eyes projecting a cross between concern and confusion. “I'm not going to hurt you.” Pippa just stayed looking down. When Lin went to tilt her chin up, and Pippa flinched once more, things started piecing together in his mind. “Wait…” Lin started, quietly. “Pippa, let's go somewhere better. We both have two hours to kill.” Pippa just nodded and followed Lin to the empty green room backstage in the theater. The Juilliard theater had become Pippa’s safe place over the years, and Lin knew that. They settled on one of the sofas. Lin invited her to sit beside him, but Pippa stayed a distance. “Pippa, is Matt abusing you?”

“No, why would you even think that? That's crazy.” Pippa lied clean through her teeth. She had to. She couldn't stand to be hurt again. “Matt and I are better than ever right now.” She put on a fake smile. Thank goodness, she is an actress.

“Are you lying to me?”

“Of course not.” Pippa did indeed lie, but she had to for her own safety.

“Alright.” Lin smiled. “I'm glad we cleared that up.”

“Me too.”


It was a whole day of classes later when Pippa was curled up in her dorm, in the same hoodie, but now in sweatpants instead of leggings, doing her assignments that were given for homework. She jumped for a moment when her phone vibrating startled her.

Lin: Takeout tonight? My treat.

She smiled at the text from her friend. While she’d love to go, she knew Matt would get her for it. Pippa felt conflicted. Still, she’d rather be with Lin than Matt, so she took her chances.

Pippa: How about we split the cost, and you come over. We can finish this stupid essay together.

Lin: Sounds good. I can be over in twenty minutes.

Pippa: Perfect, see you then.

Lin: See you!

Pippa smiled to herself at the thread of messages. This was worth her getting hit again. She'd always chance being hit again to see Lin outside of class. Always.

Lin was over twenty minutes later, in fact, with their food. “Here you go.” Pippa handed Lin her fair cut of the pay.

“Thank you.” Lin took the money and handed Pippa her food.

“Sorry you have to see me like this.” Pippa chuckled gently, alluding to her sloppy topknot and sweatpants ensemble she had going on.

“I think you look gorgeous.” Lin smiled. The twinkle in his eye proved he was telling the truth. Pippa beamed and blushed at the compliment; Matt would never compliment her like that. “Man, I got the Phillipa Soo to blush, huh?” Lin chuckled.

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now