I Hate You

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“I hate you!” Lin screamed, slamming his hands down on the office table. “I hate you for all of this! Leaving this show, my show, for Ameilie.”


“No! If you’re going to be doing this, I might as well just end this now!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Phillipa Soo, you’re fired.”

Pippa shot straight up in her bed, sweat lightly covered the back of her neck where some fallen pieces from her topknot laid. Her breathing was labored as she took a look around her darkened bedroom. She shook her head to herself and quietly ran into the add on bathroom in the bedroom, being stopped halfway there.

“What’s going on, Love?” Lin asked, concern weaved in and out between his words.  He reached out and gently grabbed her arm and turning her around. Lin then saw how scared and teary eyed she looked. “Come back to bed, why are you trying to run away when you’re upset?” Pippa buried her head into Lin’s neck, and curled herself close to him.

“I just...it was horrible...a dream. I-I got f-fired, and you said you hated me for auditioning for Ameilie and getting in the show, and--” Lin stopped her when her breaths became to be more labored.

“Princess, that wasn’t a dream, that was a nightmare.” Lin coaxed. “But it wasn’t real, I promise. I could never hate you, and I would never, ever even think about firing you.” He rubbed his hand up and down Pippa’s back.

“It just felt so real, and…” Pippa fell into quiet sobs again.

“I know, I know. Shhh.” Lin kissed the top of her head.

“Why?” She mumbled after a brief period of silence.

“Why what? Why did you have the nightmare?”


“Well, Babe,” Lin began, sighing. “Maybe it’s because you’ve been so stressed lately. I mean, with the Ameilie audition, and Hamilton, and how the people are reacting to us, I mean…” Lin knew the public hadn’t taken the news of their relationship well. While the fandom lived for “Lippa” finally being real, the critics, press, and media twisted it in a whole new, unexpected negative light. “There’s been a lot going on, and I can tell you’ve been more and more stressed. And I know that you haven’t been sleeping well.” Lin tilted Pippa’s chin up. Crap, he noticed how she had been up all night because of her stress? She was always careful never to be loud.

“I’m sorry I kept you up.” Pippa sighed.

“Don’t be. I wish you would’ve said something.”

“If it happens again, I promise that I will.”

“Alright.” Lin smiled. “Why don’t you try to sleep again? For me?” Pippa tucked her head into Lin’s shoulder once more and sighed, nodding. She did feel more comfortable when Lin tightened his arms around her. Pippa soon felt Lin falling asleep himself, and she decided that it was in her best interest to try and fall asleep again. Soon, an hour and a half had passed, and she was still laying wide awake. She took her phone off of the charger across the room and looked at it for a while. She scrolled through Twitter, smiled at cute Eliza fanart, and even looked up ways to fall asleep faster. None of those tricks helped. She went back to Twitter and scrolled for a while longer until her eyes landed on a particular set of tweets, she knew Lin would be mad at her for reading.

@brokenheartedbroadway: @phillipasoo, you don't deserve any of this.

@brokenheartedbroadway: ^ Not @Lin_Manuel, not @HamiltonMusical. None of it.

No. No. No. They are just kids with phones and nothing better to do. They're wrong. They're wrong. They're wrong. Pippa told herself. She set her phone down and soon found her eyelids getting heavy as she laid against Lin’s shoulder. This sudden feeling woke Lin up, and he glanced over at the one thing his eyes landed on first. Her phone. The screen had yet to time out, and he saw everything she’d just looked at.

“Princess, I nobody hates you, and you deserve the world.” Lin whispered to his girl, as she finally fell asleep, even though the Sun was just about up all the way. “Don’t you ever forget that.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer to himself.

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum