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Lin smiled as he stood on the empty stage of the Public Theater. He was even more excited for when the cast showed up, and he could tell them the big news. Lin jumped when the door opened, hoping it was the cast members. Much to his dismay, it was only Lac. "Hey, Lac." Lin beamed, but his smile soon fell when he noticed his friend's stressed expression.

"Hey, Lin, have you told the cast about the move yet?" Lac asked in somewhat of a hushed whisper.

"Why are we whispering?" Lin asked, but his question was ignored.

"Just..." Lac looked over both shoulders, and he kept his voice still hushed. "Don't tell them anything today, okay? I got some news, because they couldn't reach you or Tommy for whatever reason, but just please don't say anything today." Lac warned.

"Why?! This is so exciting!" Lin whined.

"Yeah, but it might not be happening anymore." Lac told Lin.

"Huh?" Lin asked, you could see his heart breaking just by the look on his face.

"Lin, the Rodger's burnt down last night." Lac stated.

Meanwhile, Pippa walked through the main stage door, and froze at the look on Lin's face. She couldn't see what they were talking about, but she saw Lin tangle his hands in his hair. She could tell his breathing was starting to become more shaky. "Lin?" Pippa asked, making the two men turn to face the door. Pippa made her way to the stage and jumped up beside the two. "What's going--"

"Pippa! Hi, good to see you!" Lin forced a laugh. His breathing remained unsteady as he picked up his binder. "Look, it looks really cool now that we've changed--" Lin flipped to a random page in his binder that showed nothing but a picture that was simply the golden color of the Hamilton background of the program picture. Pippa turned her attention to Lac, who basically forced her to take Lin to another room. Pippa nodded and took Lin's hand. She set his binder on the stage and basically pulled him to his dressing room.

"Love, what's going on?" Pippa asked calmly, gently rubbing her thumb over Lin's cheek. Lin's newfound breathing pattern had rendered him silent as tears began to form in his eyes. "Lin, you're going to have to breathe for me, Darling, okay?"

"I-I can't!" Lin's words fell past his lips in a strangled tone.

"Yes, you can, Lin." Pippa coaxed. "Just tell me what's going on." Lin shook his head frantically. "Lin, do you want me to get you some water?" Pippa didn't wait for an answer, she stood up and went to the bathroom that added on to the dressing room. There, she filled a Dixie cup up with water and went back to where Lin was sitting. "Here. Take slow sips for me, okay?"

Lin took the paper cup from the girl's hands, and within seconds, the small cup collapsed in on itself and water hit the tile. Lin groaned and threw the soaking wet paper down, tears falling faster that they were before. "I can't be doing this." Lin's voice strained past his hands that covered his face.

Pippa sighed, close to tears herself. "Lin..." Pippa whispered. "I just want to help you." Lin looked up at Pippa. "Hey, hey..." Pippa gently kissed Lin's lips a few times. They'd been hiding this relationship for the longest time, but they were behind closed doors now. The water from earlier had soaked into the bottom of Pippa's flannel, but she didn't even care at this point. "Breathe." She nodded once more and drew mindless swirls on Lin's sweatpants-covered knee.

Very soon after, Lin's breaths finally began to settle. "Hi." He whispered.

"Hi." Pippa smiled, still rubbing his knee. "What's going on, Love?" Lin put his head in his hands. He didn't even think about this, but that theater was where In The Heights premiered. It all started there. It wasn't even just this show on the line, it was Lin's legacy. Lin simply shook his head. "Do you want a minute?" Lin nodded. "Okay, I'll give you one, yeah? I'll go see the girls for a moment."

Pippa left the room and was quickly stopped by Jasmine, who seemed to have a tear streaked face as well. "Pippa, did you hear?"

"Hear what?" Pippa asked.

"We're headed to Broadway!" She cheered.

"Broadway?" Pippa asked again, not believing what she heard.

"Phillipa?" Lac asked, pulling Pippa aside. "Did you calm Lin down?"


"Well, did he--"

"No, he didn't tell me anything." Pippa frowned.

"Pippa...the theater we're supposed to open on B'way at burnt last night." Lac admitted to Pippa.

Pippa turned her gaze back to the closed door where she was sitting with Lin only moments ago. "What?"


Hi! Long time, no write, and I'm sorry. I hope you all enjoyed! Xx.

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now