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Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand. With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force-of-a-man to be my lover.

Pippa hummed quietly as she slowly woke up. A small smile marked her lips as she felt Lin's arms snake around her waist.

"Today's the day, huh?" Lin spoke just above a whisper.

Pippa sighed in response. "I'm nervous."

"Don't be." He commented, gently running his fingers through her hair.

"But what if it didn't work out?" Pippa asked, brushing her hair out of her face as she sat up.

"Hey." Lin stopped her. He sat up as well and grabbed both of her hands.

Lin rubbed the backs of Pippa's hands. Her same hands that cramped up day after day after signing all of those papers. Lin kissed the tips of her fingers, taking special care of the ones that had scarred since she'd started strumming at her guitar for hours on end.

Pippa had taken up her passion project of finally creating a solo album of original music, like Ben Platt had done a few years prior. She'd been slaving over her guitar like mad, half because she was so inspired by this project, and half to distract herself from their current situation at hand.

Lin pressed a final kiss to Pippa's left ring finger, drawing her attention to her wedding band. This simple action of kisses did calm Pippa down. God, did she love this man?

"When I married you," Lin started with a gentle chuckle to his voice. "I promised to always stand by you. Even when things get hard. Even when things are challenging. Even when we're up late studying laws together, yeah? Do you remember that?"

Pippa snickered. "You think I don't remember that?"

"I'm just refreshing your memory." Lin kissed her cheek. "Don't be nervous, alright? What happens happens. And if it doesn't work out today, maybe we'll just try again, yeah?"

Pippa nodded, the same small smile returning to her lips. "Yeah. What time is the meeting?"

"Eleven. We've got some time." Lin said, glancing at the clock. "We should probably start getting ready. We're gonna want to get lunch beforehand, right?"

Pippa shrugged. "I might just eat after." She nodded, standing up and crossing over to their walk-in closet.

She flipped through hangers before pulling out a red dress.

"Too much?" Pippa asked, sticking the hanger out into the room.

"No, I think that's beautiful." Lin smiled.

"You sure? I don't want them to think I'm a w--"

"Woah, don't go there." Lin stopped his wife. "It's a fine dress. You'll look beautiful." He walked into the closet and kissed Pippa's forehead before selecting clothes for himself.


"Pip! You've been up there forever! We're gonna be late!" Lin called, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Give me just a second!" Pippa shouted.

She spritzed on a bit of perfume and clasped a matching necklace and bracelet set around her neck and left wrist.

"Coming!" Pippa called, leaving the bathroom and heading down the stairs. "I'm not overdressed, am I?"

"Don't fret, Sweetheart. You look stunning." Lin smiled. Lin had also dressed nicely. He had gray pants on and a crisp white button down that he had ironed earlier that morning.

Pippa grabbed Lin's hand, and Lin gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

They were in this together.


It took four hours. Four whole hours they were crammed into that stupidly chilly office with that scary representative, who could probably freeze a human to death with just his cold gaze.

But past those four hours, Mr. and Mrs. Miranda were headed back to their home with the brightest grins on both of their faces.

"I can't believe we did it!" Pippa squealed, beaming.

"I knew we would."

"And I can't believe we get to meet him so soon!"

"I know." Lin shook his head. It was finally all coming together.

They had finally been cleared for adoption.

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now