It's Quiet Uptown

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Pippa hadn't been feeling well for a while. But she dealt with it either way. It was nothing but her body's reaction to all the work she'd been putting in recently. Right?

The real problems started about two weeks after that, when Pippa, Lin, and the rest of the cast found themselves in intense dress rehearsal, seeing that Hamilton was headed to Broadway a mere two weeks ahead of them.

"Alright, everyone take five. This one looks like she's about to drop." Lac called, aiming his command towards a very pale and dizzy Pippa.

Pippa nodded and stood up, cautiously making her way back to the dressing room. Once she got there, she seemed to become even more dizzy, and she carefully lowered herself to the ground, so she wouldn't have to feel like she was about to fall. Moments later, her stomach lurched, and she found herself dashing to the dressing room bathroom and proceeding to throw everything she'd eaten the past few hours up. "Pippa!" Jasmine exclaimed, running over to her "sister". She knelt down beside her and rubbed her back. "Are you alright?" Jasmine asked once Pippa sat up. She still looked pale as ever.

"I'm so...dizzy." Pippa mumbled with have closed eyes. Moments later, Jasmine found one of her best friends passed out on the floor beside her.

"Lin!" Jasmine shouted. "Lac! Renée! Groff! Lin! Somebody!" She yelled, and soon enough, Jonathan Groff walked into the room.

"What happened?" He asked, gasping at the sight before him.

"Pippa fainted, go get Lin!"

"Got it." Jonathan soon ran off and got the shorter man.

"Jazzy, what happened?!" Lin ran into the dressing room in a panic. "Groff said Pippa fainted!"

"She did, and--"

"Let me take her. Tell everyone I took her to the hospital and that we should be back soon. Hopefully." Lin anxiously told Jasmine. She nodded and Lin picked up his girl, bridal style.


Pippa woke up in a white blur of a  hospital room, hours later. "Aah!" She gasped at a sharp pain through her stomach. She looked around, trying to find any answers that would help her understand why she was here. All she saw was Lin asleep in a chair across the room, somehow still looking worried, the hospital gown that was on her, and her creme colored dress from the beginning of Hamilton, hanging nicely on a hanger in the corner. The only thing she soon noticed about it was bloodstains soaked through the bottom of the dress. She was still confused. "What happened?" Pippa asked quietly as a nurse walked in. The nurse too was being quiet, taking into account Lin being asleep.

The nurse's face immediately fell. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but you lost your baby."

Pippa's mind spun. "Baby? Ma'am, you must be mistaken, I'm not pregnant."

The nurse just wrapped her arms around Pippa. "I'm sorry to tell you this, Mrs. Miranda, but you were. You suffered a miscarriage. I'm so sorry." Pippa's whole body started to shake, and the nurse looked her right in the eye. "Would you like a moment alone with your husband? We still have some bloodwork for you in the lab, we're getting the results in about an hour."

"Yes, please." Pippa choked back tears.

"Alright. Again, I'm so sorry." The nurse gave Pippa's hand a squeeze before she left. Right as the left, Pippa broke down in tears, waking Lin up in the process.

"Oh my gosh, Pippa, are you okay?" Lin jumped up and went to her side. Her breaths soon became hyperventilations, and she found herself shaking more than ever. "Shh, shh, Princess. You're okay. You're safe now. You're better now. I just need to know what happened. Is it about the dress? We're getting it fixed. What happened, Love?" Lin kept up in his attempts to calm her down, and the wave of tears subsided soon after. Just as Pippa had started to breathe normally again, the nurse came back into the room to retrieve an instrument of some sort she had left in Pippa's room earlier. At the sight of Pippa's red eyes and blotchy face, she pulled Lin aside.

"Mr. Miranda, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure." Lin looked back at Pippa, but then followed the nurse outside to the hall. "Is Pippa alright?"

"Mr. Miranda, Sir, your wife has suffered a miscarriage." Lin's face fell. The whole world ran through his head. "I'm so sorry." She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you for telling me." He said quietly, and he took her hand away and ran back to Pippa.

"Of course." The nurse called back as Lin ran. "Pippa!" Lin exclaimed, coming into the room once more. He came back up beside her and touched his thumb to her cheek. "You were pregnant?" He asked quietly.

Pippa's red and puffy eyes broke Lin's heart. And so did her answer. "I didn't know."

"You didn't?" Lin asked, tears brimming his eyes.

"No. I didn't, and now I don't ever get to meet our baby, because I was stupid and kept doing eight freaking shows a week, and--" Pippa shut her eyes tightly as more tears slipped past her eyelashes.

"No, Phillipa, don't think like that. No. You said yourself you didn't know. You didn't even have suspicions of it. This isn't your fault." Lin coaxed.

"I miss him or her so much though." Pippa whispered into Lin's shoulder.

"I know, Princess, I know." Lin whispered. "I know." The room fell silent until Lin's gentle humming of one of the musical's songs became more and more audible. "I know there's no replacing what we've lost. And you need time, but I'm not afraid.
I know who I married. Just let me stay here by your side. That would be enough."

Quiet Backstage: A Series of Lippa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now