Chapter I - Small Accidents

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Harry's POV

Ron and I were flying in our brooms since we had a free period and Hermione was sitting on some bench reading, as always.

When we heard her calling us, screaming class was going to start soon, Ron and I told her we'd meet her there, she glared at us then picked up her books and walked away.

We exchanged a confused look and started laughing hysterically.

"Did you see the glare she gave us? Merlin she looked pretty pissed off!" Ron said, still laughing.

"I don't think she was pissed, just annoyed. We did leave her alone all this time." I said, trying to catch my breath again.

"Yeah, you do have a point. Anyway, should we keep flying for a little bit, then go to class? I mean, it's potions, it's not like professor Slughorn's going to take points from us."

"Sure!" I replied.

We flew around, chasing each other for a little while, and then I casted a tempus, to see what time was it.

"Shit!" I yelled. "Ron! We are so late we need to go now"

"Ugh! Fine." he said, while flying back to the ground.

We took our brooms to a near closet and left them there, then ran to class.


We were already fifteen minutes late when we stormed into the classroom, and everyone stared at us.

There were only two sits left: one next to Hermione, and one next to Malfoy.

Ron and I looked at each other, and then we ran to seat next to Hermione, but Ron pushed me and took the seat before I did.

I glared at Ron, then looked at Malfoy, who was staring at me with hatred in his eyes, and, sighing, I started my way to sit next to him.

When I got there I sat as far away from Malfoy as I could, and he did the same.

"Well, now that the show has ended," professor Slughorn started, looking at Ron and I, and we both mumbled an apology. "today we will be brewing a extremely difficult and a little dangerous potion, the ageing potion. Can someone please tell the class in what does this potion consist?"

Obviously, Hermione's hand shot up the moment Slughorn finished his question.

"Yes, miss Granger?"

"A ageing potion is a powerful potion which causes the drinker to temporarily become older. The more of the potion is drunk, the larger the ageing which occurs." Hermione said, finishing with her typical smile.

"Very well, three points to Gryffindor." Slughorn said, causing all the Gryffindors to stand up and applause. Well, except from me. I was distracted, as I kept felling Malfoy stealing glances at me.

"You will be brewing the potion with the person who you're sitting next to and the final result will be given equally." I heard Malfoy groan at that, but decided to ignore it.

"The instructions are in your desks. You may begin."

People started walking around, getting the ingredients or chatting. I looked at Malfoy and he was focused reading the instructions. He then turned to me and groaned again.

"What is your problem? We're going to have to do this together, so could you at least try and be polite for a change?" I told him angrily.

"Go get the ingredients, I'll start with the cauldron." he simply said.

I wanted to yell at him for giving me orders, but instead I nodded and went to get what we needed. Bastard.

We spent the rest of the class working silently, apart from Malfoy casually giving me instructions.

"Cut two slices of newt spleens half a inch each and pass it to me." he ordered.

I nodded and started cutting the newt spleens without paying them a lot of attention.

I then passed them to Malfoy and he put them into the cauldron.

"Now we wait until it's done brewing and we're finished." he said, while sitting down and sighing from exhaustion.

"Finally!" I said, sitting down beside him. - Sooo... what do we do in the meantime?

"We wait, Potter." he spat. "For merlin's sake we're not kids." he said sounding annoyed.

"Boring." I stated, which earned me a glare from Malfoy. Which earned him a roll of eyes from me.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, git!" he said, pissed of. Great, now I have to deal with pissed Malfoy.

I decided to ignore him, and he looked away, mumbling something to himself.

We waited for twenty minutes, and it was finally time to see if our potion was fine.

We got up, still in silence, and when Malfoy looked at the potion he went pale, paler than he already was.

"What. Did. You. Do?!" he screamed at me.

"Me? I did nothing!" I went to see what was wrong, and noticed that instead of green, the potion was a brownish tone that looked like mud.

"How did you cut the newt spleens slices?" he asked.

"An inch each, why?" I replied, confused.

"Of course you did! Can't you do anything right? We're going to fail, and it's going to be only because you did not listen to me when I told you to cut them half a inch each, not an inch. Merlin Potter!" he screamed at me.

"Hey Harry, do you-" Neville started, coming to our table, but he slipped in a bit of some old potion that was on the floor, which made him fly to the table and hit the cauldron, and spill his content all over me.

"Neville!" I screamed, annoyed. Malfoy was laughing at the scene.

"I-I'm so sorry Harry, let me help you-"

"No it's ok, I'll do it myself."

Malfoy was now laughing hysterically.

"Stop that will you?" I screamed at him.

But he didn't stop.

As I was angrily making my way to him, I started feeling dizzy and fell to the floor, then, I blacked out, after hearing someone calling my name.

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