Save me (bonus chapter) - Bucky Barnes

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It's been a year and a half since you killed Nickolai. Your relationship with Bucky was still thriving. It was an early hot summer morning when you felt someone shake you awake, you grumble and slowly open your eyes to see Nat's green ones.

"Morning." She whispers with a smile, you jump back startled from how close she was to your face.

"Please. Never do that again." You calm down and sit up as you wipe the sleep from your eyes. "Why are you waking me up so early in the morning?"

"Training. Remember you asked me to teach you some combat skills?" She asks sarcastically, of course you remembered.

"Yes, I remember." You wiggle your head and step out of bed. "I said we could start it next week. I don't recall today being next week." You moan and trudge to your bathroom.

"It's never a bad idea to start early, and Fury gave me a mission for next week so I won't be here." You roll your eyes and look back at her.

"Alright, we can start today. I'll meet you down in the gym in a few minutes. I just, have to... attend to some business." She nods her head and leaves your room.

"Kay, so what are we starting with?" You ask Nat when you walk through the doors into the gym, she turns around and smiles.

"I wanna see what you can do first." She gestures you over to the mat and you slowly walk to her. "I'll go easy on you." She says with a smirk.

"Right." You raise your eyebrows sarcastically, you stand there not knowing what to do. "So, whose gonna go fir-" You were taken off guard when she goes to round house kick you, you dodge it and move back. "Never mind." You smile before running towards her, you throw a punch and she blocks it by grabbing onto your fist and flipping over so her legs were wrapped around your shoulders. She throws you to the ground with force and you gasp fore air when all the oxygen removes itself from your lungs. "That's what you call going easy?" You mumble when she stands up.

"Yeh." She shrugs her shoulders. "You're not focused," She bagan when you stood up straight and brushed yourself down, "You're pulling your punches." You sigh and stretch your arms out.

"Nat, I haven't eaten anything, and I'm very tired. So no, I'm not focused." You complain.

"One more try?" She raises a brow and you look down.

"Ok." Looking back up you see her make her way towards you, she spins around to kick you with the back of her foot and you move away so she couldn't. Your eyes go wide when she flips onto her hands and her feet race towards your face, you jump out of the way and she lands safely on the ground. You run towards her, throwing a punch with your left hand she grabs your wrist. You spin into her and strike her rib with your elbow, she gasps and lets go of you.

"Nice one." She looks up to you and you smile, her expression turns dark before lowering to the ground and tripping you over with her foot. "Don't get distracted." She says over top of you before turning away, you grunt and hold your hand to your chest. You look to your left palm as it stings slightly. "You alright?" She turns around when you didn't get up from the floor, nothing came from your lips. "N/N?" You shoot your gaze to her and wipe your hand on your shirt before standing up.

"I'm fine." She raises a brow at you and you wipe your eyes.

"How about we try with some weapons this time?" Your lips part and you look to her smirking face.

"I don't think that's a good idea." You shake your head and she scoffs.

"Don't worry, it's only with a bo staff." She walks towards a cupboard and opens it to show four wooden bo staffs displayed inside. "Here." She throws one to you and you catch it.

"I have no idea how to use one of these." You bounce the end on the mat beneath you.

"That's why I'm going to teach you." She walks onto the mat and spreads her feet apart. "Follow my steps." She flings the staff in the air and it straightens around to the back of her, along her arm and past her shoulder blades. You take a deep breath and do the same thing, you almost drop the staff but catch it mid air with your spare hand, you hear a sigh from Natasha and look to her with an innocent smile.

"It's no use Nat. I'm never going to use this." You stand up straight and plunge the end of the staff onto the squishy mat beneath you, you rest your forehead on the top of the stick and look down.

"Maybe it is, maybe you won't. We'll never know. But it won't hurt to learn new skills." She walks towards you, you look up at her to see the end of her staff inches from your face. "C'mon." She smirks and you move back, you hit her staff away with yours and spin around, you go to jab her in the gut with the end of your staff but she locks hers under yours and pushes it up away from her. She twists the staff and strikes you in the back, a loud crack echoes through the room when the wood hits the thin fabric that covered your skin.

A gasp leaves your lips and you fall to your knees, you roll to her and hit the back of her knees. She falls to one knee and stabs the end of her staff into the mat to block a whack from yours, she rolls away from you and you stand up straight. You point your staff at her when an image flickers in your head, you see women and men lined up with long black bo staffs. A hand on your shoulder you look up to see your mother looking at the group in front of you, your fingers dug into the soft fluff that was on your bear you held tightly in your hands. You saw your brother, he was young, shorter with more energy and agility. The staff he held lit up with blue sparks and he began fighting with his partner.

Your heart pulled and your breath caught in your throat, you choked slightly and stumbled back on your feet. You took deep breaths and collapsed to the ground, your temples throbbed and you looked at the ground when your breaths were uneven and sharp.

"Y/N!" Nat's voice echoes through your head and you look at her when she kneels in front of you. "What happened?" She grabs your shoulders to steady your shaking. Was it just another nightmare? You're probably just seeing things.

"I'm-I'm alright." You take a deep breath and grab her wrist trying to sit up. "I think I'm just hungry." You gain your breath again and look around at your surroundings.

"I think we're done for today. You don't look so good." She grimaces at you, your skin was robbed from its natural colour all of a sudden. She helps you up and your stomach whirls and grumbles, you weren't lying when you said you were hungry. You teleport into the kitchen and walk to the fridge, Nat clutches onto the counter next to her and takes deep breaths. "Warn me when you do that next time." She gags and you pile food into your arms.

"Sorry. I was desperate." She looks to you as you begin cutting fruit and stacking the small pieces into a bowl. You hear the door to the kitchen open and you turn around with the bowl in hand, you watch as a tired Bucky walks into the room and towards you with a shocked expression.

"Oh? I'm surprised to see you awake this early." He rubs his eyes and gives you a peck on the cheek. "How are you?" He asks politely before opening the fridge door and staring at the food in front of him.

"I'm great. How are you?" Nat gasps and raises a brow at you, you shake your head and walk towards her as Bucky answers.

"Same as always, doll." He chuckles and grabs food from the fridge.

"Don't say a thing." You whisper to Natasha, she looks into your eyes and your brows droop. "Please." She sighs and nods her head.

"Alright." She answers quietly. You sit at the island and eat in peace. You didn't know what happened or what you saw down in the gym, you hoped it was nothing. Until you got answers you never spoke about it again, almost forgetting it happened.

Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan imagines {x reader}Where stories live. Discover now