Scare - Eddie Brock

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"Awe you were so cute as a baby!" You squeal as you continue to look through Eddie's baby album, you were laying up against his chest with his arm wrapped around you. He laughs and you flip through to another to show him wearing a fairy costume. "What is this?" You laugh and he takes the book from you and closes it.

"I think that's enough for today." He laughs as he gets up, you get up and giggle at him. You playfully pull his arm towards the middle of the your lounge room before blackness engulfs his body. You let go of him with wide eyes and hide behind your desk at the end of the room, you look ahead at the reflection in the glass of your window to see a large creature with white eyes and sharp teeth. You cover your mouth as your heart beats faster and tears start to form, you let a sob out uncontrollably and quickly hold your breath. You look in the reflection to see the figure has disappeared, your breaths are uneven. Everything was silent before something wrapped around your neck tightly and lifted you off the ground and over the top of your desk, you struggled to breathe in its grip as you continued you hit the black limb that was holding onto you tightly.

"Venom! Let her go!" You hear Eddie's voice as you start to see stars.

"But I'm hungry and she looks delicious." Its voice was deep as it opened its mouth and proceeded to let its tongue circle your face, you kept your eyes and mouth shut as you began to freak out.

"Venom!" You hear Eddie's voice again before your eyes roll back and you go limp. "Put her down!" Eddie yells and Venom obeys. You're dropped onto the floor and the blackness disappears to show a worried Eddie, he kneels on the floor beside you and hesitantly picks you up and lays you on his lap. You weren't breathing and his eyes began to water. "Look what you did!" He yells and Venom stays quiet, Eddie grabs your left hand and holds it in his. "You knew I loved her." He says quietly as he twirls the small diamond around your finger. Blackness crawls itself away from Eddie and onto your hand, it vanishes into your skin and Eddie looks at you confused.

Your eyes shoot open and you take a large breath, Eddie jumps a little before taking your right hand in his. You breathe heavily and look around confused, the blackness crawls back into Eddie and you look up at him.

"Eddie?" You look at him scared.

"Y/N." He says happily, you sit up and he goes to hug you, you stop him with tears in your eyes.

"Eddie. What was that?" You choke as tears run down your face in fear. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds but just stares at you. "If you won't tell me, get out!" You yell at him and sit up against your couch. He sighs and drops his head.

"It's a long story." He says under his breath.

"Then tell me." You say barely over a whisper, he looks up at you. He stands up and sits on the couch, you lift yourself up and sit opposite him. He tells you everything, you sit there silent not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't know how to tell you." He says to you, you had your legs tucked to your chest and you were resting your chin on your knees, you were looking at the floor not knowing what to say.

"So you've had this... thing, inside of you all these four years we've been together?" You look at him and he gulps and nods. You sigh and let your head fall back as you look at everything upside down. You look back up at him and twirl the ring around your finger, you slide it off and he frowns.

"I'm sorry I put you in danger and I understand if you want to leave me but just know that I love you and I'll support any decision you make." You stare at the ring in your fingers and take a deep breath, you slowly place it back onto your finger and look up at him.

"I love you too. And I support all of your decisions as well." Your mouth slightly twitches into a smile and he gives you a small smile back. A black limb emerges from behind Eddie to show Venom's head, you look at it with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry too." It's voice is deep and you calm down. You give them a reassuring smile and get up.

"I'm gonna go to bed." You say as you walk away into your hallway then down to your room, you hear your front door shut and you fall to the ground with tears streaming down your face.

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