Combat (part 2) - Winter Soldier

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Requested by @MsMarvelNerdist42

Your eyes slowly opened, you look to your left arm to see it wrapped in a cast. Your throat was sore and dry every time you swallowed, you could barely keep your eyes open but you forced yourself to. The bed you were laying on was hard, you look to the door to see a man's figure walking towards you.

"Y/N." Pierces voice rings through the room and you gulp. He stands next to you and looks down at you with his hands in his pockets. "You hurt my best assassin." He raises his brows and you look away from him.

"What did you think I was going to do? Welcome him with open arms?" You sarcastically say and you look up at him again, you sit up straight and wince from the pain.

"You know I think of you as a daughter?" He says calmly and you look away from him.

"But you don't treat me like one." You mumble and he sighs.

"I've decided to bring you back to the HYDRA facility with me." You look at him shocked and he clenches his jaw.

"Why?" Your throat aches and burns but you ignore it, you needed answers.

"I need you to work undercover with me at S.H.I.E.L.D." He stops talking and you raise your brows.

"And?" He shakes his head.

"We're leaving first thing tomorrow, no more questions." He leaves and you sit there motionless as thoughts ran through your head. What is he planning? You think to yourself.

You wake up to the sound of keys unlocking the door, you slowly sit up as a soldier walks in, two doctors rush in behind and quickly detach you of the tubes that were connected to your skin. Pierce walks in and you gulp.

"It's time to leave, Y/N." He glares at you and you slowly move off of the bed. Standing up straight one of the doctors help you elevate your arm.

"What happened to my arm?" You ask her and she looks into your eyes.

"Your bones snapped in three places." She points to the area near your elbow where The Winter Soldier grabbed you. Your eyes shoot to Pierce and you stare daggers at him.

"I hurt your best assassin?" You emphasise the 'I' and raise a brow. He walks out of the room and the doctors pack up.

"Move." The soldier who was holding the door open growled at you as he tightened his grip around his rifle. You walk towards the door but you keep your eyes on him as you walk out into the hall, you turn to see Pierce walking down the long hall with two guards following suit. You catch up to him but keep a fair distance, you look at the two guards before turning your head to the side to see the soldier behind you. You follow them out into the cold morning air, there was a limo at the bottom of the steps and one of the guards open it to let Pierce inside. You look at the guard and he nods his head at the car gesturing you to get in, you sit down and the door shuts. It was dark inside and you could barely see a thing, the car begins to move as you look around and squint. A hint of light shines on someone's face and you squint to look closer, your eyes widen when you're met with the same cloudy ones. You tense up but he doesn't move a muscle.

"Lucky for you, Y/N. He doesn't remember a thing." You hear Pierces voice and you shift in your seat.

"What do you mean he doesn't remember a thing?" You try and look for where Pierce was sitting and you could only see his outline, silence filled the small space and you sat back in your seat. You knew he wasn't going to answer you, he never did.

The car comes to a stop and the door opens, the light from outside blinds you and you step out of the car to see you were at an air port.

"More travelling?" You mumble to yourself, Pierce steps out of the car and walks ahead of you. You turn around and slightly become off balance as you hit The Winter Soldier's chest accidentally, he looks down at you and you gulp. Taking a step back you turn around and widen your eyes, trying to catch up to Pierce you go onto the jet to find him sitting down and looking at a file. His eyes look up at you from the files and you sit down unsure of what to do.

"You need to change." He lifts his head to look at you directly and you furrow your brows.

"Into what, this is all I have?" You look down at the fabric on your body.

"There's some clothes in the back. Don't take long, I have to talk to you." You nod your head and get up, you walk out into the back near the bathroom to see clothes laid out. You look at them and pick them up, walking into the bathroom and locking the door you have difficulties changing with one arm but you manage. You look into the mirror and slightly jump at what you see, your hair was messy and knotted. Your skin was flushed out and you looked sickening, your neck was layered with bruises and your under eyes were dark and puffy. The clothes on the other hand were neat and clean, you wore a slightly mustard yellow blouse with black tight fitting pants that were loose at the bottom and black ankle cut boots.

You were confused as to why he wanted you to dress professionally, you pushed the thought away and opened the door to see The Winter Soldier waiting patiently against the wall in front of you. You began questioning HYDRA's thoughts with letting him roam by himself, you raise a brow at him and he just glares at you with his arms crossed over his chest. You walk past him and towards Pierce, you hear footsteps behind you and you look back to see that he was following you.

"Why is he following me?" You ask Pierce as you sit in front of him and rest your right hand on the table in front of you.

"Just in case you do anything reckless." He looks down at the files in his hands and you look at The Winter Soldier who was now sitting down on one of the chairs on the other side of the space, his eyes didn't leave the two of you and you look at Pierce questioningly and in disgust.

"What am I going to do? I have nowhere to go and no reason to go against you." You say annoyed and he looks up at you. "What did you want to talk to me about?" You sigh and sit back in your seat. He slides the files across the table and you look at them.

"Get close to him and kill him." You look at the photo, your eyes widen, it was him. Captain America.

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