Combat (part 3) - Winter Soldier

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Hours had passed and you were now safely in America and Pierce was leading you out of the plane, you could hear the heavy footsteps of The Winter Soldier behind you. Cocking your head to the side you could see him limping on his right leg. "Karma." You mumble to yourself with a slight smirk on your lips. You follow Pierce into another dark limo, this one was smaller than the last and you could see the faint lines of more bodies. As much as you despised it you were cramped up next to The Winter Soldier, you hated calling him that, it was too long of a name.

"What can I call him?" You ask Pierce and he furrows his brows at you.

"Him? Why would you want to call him anything?" He asked confused and you shrugged.

"Well, The Winter Soldier is just such a long name. And I take it we'll be stuck together for a while." You roll your eyes and you could hear the heavy breathing of the other men in the small space. "Hmmm, how about Winter?" You smile up at him and you can see his crystal eyes glare daggers into your soul. "Perfect, we've got a deal buddy." His eyes slightly twitch from that nickname and the light disappears causing you not to be able see his emotions anymore. "Do you know his real name?" You ask Pierce. The space went silent and you sit back in your seat and slightly play with your cast in embarrassment.

"That's enough questions Y/N." Pierces voice was stern which sent shivers down your spine. You kept quiet for the rest of the trip, soon the car came to a stop and the door opened, light flooded the cramped space before you were able to step out. Your eyes search the space around you, it was a large room with multiple vehicles packed up closely together in one area of the the room.

"P-" You get cut off when you turn around to feel someone tightly gripping your right arm.

"It's best you don't stay awake." An unfamiliar man said with his raspy voice.

"What?" You we're taken off guard when he sticks a needle into your skin, you try to stay awake but your body was shutting down. "What's... what's going on?" You say tiredly, you slowly fall to the floor still in the mans tight grip. Your eyes slightly shut but you try to keep them open.

"Don't fight it." Pierces voice racks through your brain and you slowly fall asleep. "You'll thank me later."

Your eyes slowly opened as your head ached, your right arm was surprisingly aching more than your left. You were in a dimly lit room, the bed you were laying on was hard and squeaked every time you moved. Sitting up you lay against the wall and take in your surroundings, a metal table was in the corner of the room, the door was a thick metal with bars covering the small windows. You look down to see you were still wearing the clothes you changed into on the plane, you hear a moan on the other side of the room and look in front of you towards the wall the door was on. Barely any of the light was emit in that corner and you backed up cautious of who was there, their body slowly got up off the bed and they began walking around the room. You could only see their bare back, it was toned nicely and you couldn't help but stare. You gasped when the sliver of their left arm shone in your eyes, you knew who it was. He turned around and you saw all of the pain in his eyes, his face went grim and he began walking towards you.

"Stop!" You jump up and hold your right hand out, you ignored the cramps in your arm from what ever they injected you with. He stopped in his path and looked at you in confusion. "Don't come any closer." You keep your left arm close to your chest as it began to hurt, you gulped and your chest tightened from trying to keep calm. His eyes looked at your arm then to you, you could see something was going on in his head, his eyes were clouded with so much emotion that he was bottling up inside.

"Did- did I hurt you?" He clenched his jaw and swallowed the lump in his throat. You part your lips wanting to say something but nothing came out, your eyes dropped to your arm. "Did I?" He presses and you look up at him.

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