Coffee shop (part 2) - Bucky Barnes

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It's been over a week since you've seen Bucky and you were slightly curious as to why he hasn't been to your café like he usually is. Every time you hear the bell ring when someone opens the door excitement runs through your system thinking it's him, you didn't know much about him but you could tell a small crush was forming. He was nice to be around, he was extremely polite to you whenever you spoke and the feeling you got around him; it was like no other.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" You ask a young man with short hair and a thick jumper, you put on a fake smile slightly disappointed it wasn't Bucky.

"Cappuccino with almond milk please." He says before taking his wallet out.

"Would you like it as take away?" You ask and he hums in thought.

"Yeh sure." He shrugs his shoulders before paying you and you begin to make his drink.

"There you go sir, have a nice day." He nods his head at you when you smile just before walking out the doors. You go out into the back to grab some more coffee beans and recyclable cups, the bell rang and you walk out with cups piled in towers covering your view of who was coming through the door. You place the cups away and turn around to be met with someone's crystal blue eyes, a wide grin slithers across your face when you see the familiar cheeky smile in front of you.

"Bucky, hi!" You beam at him. "It's been too long since I've seen you." He drops his head with a bite of his lip.

"Sorry, I had... work." You flick your hand and shrug it off.

"That's alright. Happens to the best of us." He chuckles which made you giggle, he's cute when he's happy. "Would you like anything?"

"Oh, uh," you could see him fidgeting a little bit, "no, I was um... I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime?" Your eyebrows raise in shock, you weren't expecting that.

"Wait really?" The corners of your lips curl and he nods. "Of course, I'd love to." You beam at him and he smiles in relief.

"How about tonight then?" You think for a second.

"Sure. Tonight seems alright."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something warm." He starts to walk away before jogging back to you. "I don't know where you live." You laugh and pull out a piece of paper, you write your number on it and hand it over to him.

"Text me before you leave." He smiles before leaving which left you in a good mood for the rest of the day. You served everyone happily until it was finally closing time, you closed half an hour earlier when the streets were empty and there was no sight of any customers. It was 5:30 and you had just enough time to make your way back to your apartment to take a warm shower and dress yourself.

You put on a beige knitted sweater with some dark washed jeans cuffed at the end accompanied with black heeled ankle cut boots. It was only 6:40 so you checked your phone to find a message from Bucky.

'Where do I pick you up?' You read before replying to him. You tell him the street and which building before walking to your fridge and grabbing a bottle of water for your thirst, your eyes go wide and you run back to your phone.

'Room 304!' You laugh at yourself and continue to drink your water, time passed before your door bell rings. Skipping over to where the noise was coming from you open the door happily, a grin plastered on your face and the mans in front of you.

"You look nice." He compliments and you blush.

"Same for you." You roll onto the tips of your toes then back to your heels.

Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan imagines {x reader}Where stories live. Discover now