Zipper - Bucky Barnes

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Warning: angst??? Mentions of blooood

Prompt: you were Bucky's girlfriend and when you heard that he was dusted in the snap, you didn't take it too kindly. You isolated yourself and moped everywhere you went. You would normally stay near the lake outside of yours and Bucky's hut In Wakanda, when one day you heard footsteps behind you...

A/N: you know I had a really difficult time trying to come up with an imagine until I finally gave in and did this depressing piece of 💩


I waited patiently in the Wakandan palace after saying goodbye to my boyfriend, Bucky. I wasn't with the avengers, but I was close friends with Steve, I'd go anywhere he went. We both trust each other immensely, we've told each other everything. I knew about Bucky and when he asked me to stay in Wakanda with him while he was recovering, I happily obliged. I just didn't know that staying with him would create something long term. I love him with all my heart and I don't know what I'd do without him, we have something special that I didn't even know could exist.

I was sitting and watching Shuri try to remove the stone from Visions head, Wanda kept her eyes on the battlefield while I played with the heart locket Bucky got me. Shuri helped him get it seeing as most of his time was spent on the farm, same with me; I would help with the small animals and play with the kids while he did the heavy lifting. We were doing that same routine for a few years now.

I watched as Wanda ran out of the room, I wonder where she's going? I stood up and walked to the window to watch the battle, it looked intense. I heard footsteps and shuffling behind me, not wasting any time I spun on my heels to see a tall man who didn't look human at all. I watched as Shuri tried to fend him off but she was harshly thrown to the lower floor.

"Hey!" I yelled at him before seeing his beady eyes stare into my soul. I didn't know how to fight, Bucky had taught me a few things but I wasn't the best. Why did I get myself into this?

He charged at me swinging some sort of staff that he held in his hands to my head, I ducked and rolled away from him to keep a fair distance. I looked around for things to grab but I couldn't find anything. He charged at me again, I dodged his swing but he swung the staff around and hit me in the back while I wasn't ready, knocking me to the ground. It felt as though all of the oxygen was sucked out of my lungs when my throat and chest was empty.

He kicked me in the stomach, making me roll towards the edge of this floor level. I held my stomach and slowly stood up. He pulled his staff back ready to stab the sharp end of it into me before I moved out of the way and grabbed the body of the staff, he pulled me towards him. This took me by surprise leaving him to elbow me in the face, I felt my skull shake as my head and nose throbbed. He then kicked me off of this level and to the lower floor, I looked around before seeing Shuri unconscious on the floor ahead of me. I looked to my left when I heard a thump to see the man had jumped down, he began walking towards me and pulling his staff up in the air. I was too weak to move, I knew what was going to happen, he was going to kill me; and there was no way I could stop him. I saw a flash of red fly past and tackle him before I lost all of my consciousness.

When I woke up Shuri was stirring on the ground, I ran to her to help her up. As she grabbed my hand her body began to disappear.

"Shuri?" I call for her as the rest of her body vanishes. All that was left was dust, I was so confused, how is this happening? I looked to my hand expecting me to disappear as well but I didn't. What happened down there? What if Steve and Bucky are hurt? I need to go check.

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