Boxing Day - Bucky Barnes

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Warning: Mentions of blood, language

Prompt: You were born and raised in a quiet town by the beach in Australia. Your hobby was surfing and one day when you were out on a sunny day, dark clouds began to roll in and you were unable to get home. Finding an old cave you used to play in as a child, you stayed there for the night before someone found the same cave.

A/N: It's the middle of winter right now in Australia so there really isn't any way for me to go swimming without being frozen, but I had no idea what to write so I just was kinda inspired by my country. If there are any Aussies reading... hi! Also, I'm sorry I don't post as much anymore. I won't be posting a lot because it's difficult coming up with different stories every week so... bear 🐻 with me, please?


"I'll call you when I'm done." I smile to my best friend who had dropped me off to my favourite beach. It was quiet and unknown, the best waves in my area too.

"Alright. I'll just be down at woollies, John offered to cook a barbie tonight so he's making me do the shopping." She laughs.

"You better save a seat for me!" We both chuckle.

"You really think I wouldn't?" She raises a brow and I shrug.

"You're just very forgetful." She rolls her eyes and drives off. "Oi!" I jump back when her tyres spray sand at me. "Bloody hell." I shake my head trying to hold my smile back as I wipe the sand off of my body.

The sun was shining on a beautiful summer Boxing Day. I had just gotten a new board from my parents for Christmas yesterday and wanted to try it out straight away. Not wasting any time I put my stuff down and ran towards the water, keeping an eye out for rocks, rips and possible shark warnings, I stepped into the water and swam out towards the best waves. I was having a blast. I caught the best waves and forgot about all my troubles.

I heard thunder in the distance and looked over my shoulder to see a large storm cloud rolling in. I look back in front of me when I start to lose my balance slightly. Trying my best to stable my board I was out too far from my spot. The fin of my board hit something making me shake a little, looking down into the water I could see shadows. I had come too close to the rocks.

As soon as the wave curled over, the tip of a rigid rock popped out through the water. The bottom of my board scraped across the rock making me curse under my breath when I was tossed into the shallow water. The wave spun me around making me roll towards more rocks. Scrapping my skin along the way I felt the seawater attack my fresh wounds. I swim up to the surface and gasp in pain. My board was floating closer towards me with the current as I swam against it.

Turning my board over, I laid there to catch my breath and wait for the stinging pain on my leg to become numb. Swimming back towards shore I looked out into the water. Seagulls were diving in for fish just where I had picked to surf, that meant sharks would be close. Luckily I had gotten out of the water and was laying in the sand as the tide slowly came in.

Water dripped onto my skin, thinking it was sea spray I ignored it. Another crash of thunder went off in the distance before I realised it was going to rain. Bloody Australia and its bipolar weather. I slowly got up and walked towards my things. The black clouds were rolling in fast.

Flashes flickered in my peripheral followed by loud cracking thunder. Feeling my soul leave my body a little bit, I looked out into the distance. The waves were becoming rough and there were branches of lightning hitting the horizon. The area around me became dark, looking up, the clouds had arrived and I was almost in the middle of the storm. A loud crack followed by a snap and leaves brushing against one another, I looked towards the dirt track road, watching the trees collapse onto one another and blocking my way out.

Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan imagines {x reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat