Fued (part 2) - Bucky Barnes

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Warning: fluff??

Prompt: you were part of the Avengers team, a trained soldier from the same place Bucky came from just with a small twist. You got along with everyone except Bucky, the both of you would have constant fights about nothing relevant; it also didn't help that you were slowly crushing on him. You turned those feelings into anger hoping they'd fade away, but clearly the hate went both ways.

A/N: Hehehehe you thought I wasn't gonna make a part two. I had this whole story planned weeks prior 😈.... Also, no one said anything about the change to first person... would you like me to continue or go back to second?????


My eyes shot open feeling arms snake under my body, I was curled on the ground with the sky pitch black. I slowly turn my head looking into the crystal blue eyes of the man who had snapped the last piece of my heart in two, his eyes were bloodshot and glossy. He lifted my weak body into his holding me close, I was too tired to move so I let him hold me.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He rocked back and forth and I could tell he was crying. Why was he crying? He was the one who hurt me, how could it make him cry? "Please... I'm so sorry." He continues to apologise and cry into my hair holding my face close to his chest.

"What are you crying for?" I mumble tiredly into him, he let's go of me and cups my cheeks.

"I shouldn't have said what I said. I didn't mean it, I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." He pulls me closer to him. Gosh he smelt so good, why did he have to smell so good? "They wouldn't let me help find you, you've been gone for two days. The tracker on your watch wasn't working and I was so worried. I promise, I don't hate you." He tightened his grip around me not letting me go. Part of me believed him, and the other part wasn't so sure. If he truly didn't mean it then why did he say it in the first place?

I didn't answer him but I kept my eyes closed. I felt too emotionally and physically drained to move or speak, I could feel my body slowly shut down into sleep except my mind. I could feel and hear everything but I my body was limp, I felt him move before feeling his hands on my cheeks. The cold piercing metal was soothing as his other was warm, he checked if I was still awake but I didn't respond. I didn't want to respond but I just couldn't bring myself to move or say anything.

I felt soft lips on my forehead before feeling him rest his forehead on mine. That kiss, it felt familiar. Was my dream a dream? Maybe the man was him. His lips felt the same, the gentleness of the kiss was the same, the kiss and then the forehead touch... it had to be him.

"I know you can't hear me," Ha, wrong, "but I love you, Y/N L/N. I always have, I know I treat you like shit but I never knew it affected you that much. I thought it'd be wrong for me to love you and I tried turning that into hate. But it just got out of hand and I'm sorry, I don't know how to tell this to you face to face where you can respond, but I don't want to hurt you anymore." Uh, what? Am I hearing this correctly? Did he just say he loved me? I-I don't understand. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to know if what he was saying was the truth but I just didn't have enough energy to move.

His arms wrapped underneath me picking me up off the ground, I didn't want to go back. I knew that everyone will try to cheer me up, but I don't need them to, I can cheer myself up. Sure, what Bucky said hurt, but I've been through worse, and right now I just want to be alone. But I wasn't, I was in Bucky's arms on the way back to the facility. All this affection from him came out of nowhere, the only response I'd ever get were some stupid comebacks and insults.

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