Air - Bucky Barnes

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Warning: swearing, action, injuries

Prompt: You liked Bucky and you could feel something between you when you spoke. You knew that him and Nat were together, and you think that's the reason why the two of you don't get along. She always seemed to get between you and Bucky. You didn't know why she did it, sometimes it'd get so bad during missions you'd stuff up and have to deal with the consequences from your little debates.

A/N: I don't ship winderwidow so... that's that. Also please go watch endgame, I have so many ideas! I will possibly write some imagines but I'll put large spoiler warnings for you guys ok?


"Hey N/N." Bucky waves to me as he walks down the hall of the avengers facility. I just stepped out of my room and was ready to go train for the remainder of the morning.

"Hey Buck." I smile and he stops in front of me with his signature cheeky smirk.

"Where you going?" He asks and I look down the hall.

"The gym, you?" I turn back to him and rock back and fourth on my heels.

"I have nothing to do so I was gonna go take a jog." He smiles and an idea pops into my brain.

"Would you like to come down and train with me? I need a sparring partner anyways." He smiles when I grin up at him.

"Sure, I'll be right down." He reaches down to my wrist and steals one of the many hair bands I had wrapped around my skin. I smile up to him pretending I was annoyed but just trying to hide my laughter. He ties his hair back and winks at me before walking away.

I swear, that man is the death of me. Just seeing him makes my knees buckle. Ever since Steve brought him here I've grown the biggest crush on him. I knew that when Natasha was in the Red Room, her and Bucky were together. I don't know everything, but that's all that Natasha told me. I don't feel as though she likes me very much, whenever I get alone time with Bucky, she always seems to find a way to break our bonding time up. We'd always argue on missions, she'd complain when I'd be assigned as Bucky's partner. She knows I like him, so does Steve. I think she has a grudge against me for liking him...? I mean, I catch her flirting with him before seeing me and smiling. Does she like him still? They both parted years ago.

I smiled to myself and walked down the hall into the training room. I heard that Nat was on the other side of the compound with Tony and Steve doing something—I don't know what, but it was all they told me. Sam and Wanda were out with vision grabbing food. Thor was somewhere... Carol was also gone saving other planets. The rest of the Avengers? No idea where they were, I had a hunch that Bruce would be in the lab. Other than that, Bucky and I should finally be able to spend some time together to build the friendship that Nat has been so rudely preventing.

I taped my hands up and tied as much of my hair back as a could. I felt someone jab my sides making me squirm and spin around smiling at the man I adored standing tall in front of me. We both laughed before I spoke up.

"I didn't hear you come in." I say and he shrugs his shoulders.

"That's a good thing in my line of work." He smiles as I roll my eyes. "So what do you wanna start with?" He walks over to the mat in the middle of the room.

"Whatever you wanna do, I have no clue." I follow him and he nods his head.

"Alright, let's start with something simple." He smiles before running at me. My eyes widen when I was taken off guard, but I quickly dodged his kick and stepped back. I went to punch him in the face knowing he'd dodge it, I changed from one fist to another; striking punches into the cold air when he continued to move away. He wrapped his arm around mine pulling me forward across the front of his body and twisting my arm back behind me, locking me in the one spot.

Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan imagines {x reader}Where stories live. Discover now