Assassin - The Winter Soldier

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Warning: Violent thingsss, murder, mentions of death (like a lot actually) LaNgUaGe

Prompt: you were a runaway assassin who was assigned a job to retrieve a drive. You succeeded in that area but was soon chased down by an assassin your old agency was told to stay away from. Out of the blue you were both attacked before being found by a group of people...

A/N: sorry for the late post! AgAiN. I'll try posting more soon. Because of my disappearance you guys get a long imagine leading to a part two soooo, DONT ASK FOR A PART TWO, JUST EXPECT ONE!


"Hello?" I answer a no caller ID, luckily this was my burner phone incase they tried hacking me. Being an assassin you have to be careful about who you trust and talk to, it's a dangerous job. I worked alone, I wasn't part of a secret agency or something like that. I was though, that's how I learnt to snipe. It was a league of assassins, I was their best agent. Until I came back from a mission with my team to find everyone dead, I was used to dead bodies, but seeing my best friends laying limply on the ground, eyes still and lifeless. When we got back and searched the building for anyone who was still alive we were attacked. I'm not gonna lie, we weren't good people, but we weren't evil. These people though, I believe their name was HYDRA? They were the definition of evil, we had a specific rule in our agency. Rule number 018: if you spot the enemy. Kill the enemy.

If we found out someone was from another agency we had to eliminate them immediately. It didn't matter how you did it, but it was a rule everyone followed. Lucky when they tried to surprise us I got out of there, I was the only one though. I turned back to see one of my team mates run towards me before she was shot in the head by a HYDRA agent. I was impressed with his aim, but I was mad. He tried shooting at me but only pierced my arm when I jumped out of the way. He wasn't like every other HYDRA agent though, he was the only one who wore a mask, and his left arm shone like metal with a red star on his shoulder. We had this one true enemy, he was called The Winter Soldier. He's assassinated dozens of agents, if we spotted someone who looked anything like him, we had to run and keep far away from him.

"Is this agent A214?" A man asked. How did he know my number?

"Uh... who is this?" He didn't answer for a few seconds making my heart skip a beat when he spoke up.

"I have a job for you. I'll pay a large amount of money if you do it well." I thought for a moment.

"Alright. How much are you talking?" I ask.

"2 Mil." I smile to myself.

"What do you need me to do?" 2 Million was a lot of money, I could use that money to buy new weapons, a new house, a new motorbike. Being a runaway assassin wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, The Winter Soldier knows that I'm alive, and so wherever I go there will be a target on my head.

"Tomorrow afternoon, 5pm sharp. There will be a very important person meeting someone at a local cafe down near the lake. I need you to assassinate them and retrieve a drive from their pocket. They'll have security with them so you'll have to get rid of them too." I sit down on an old wooden chair in my small apartment.

"If you don't mind me asking... how did you get this number?" There was a pause before he spoke up.

"I knew your agency. I was their top client, I have every agents number." My eyes go wide and I rub my face with my hand. "I'm sorry about what happened. That's why I'm giving you this job, it'll be payback, and I also need that drive." He laughs and I smile to myself.

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