Dance (part 2) - James Barnes

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Warning: swearing ahead y'all sksksk♥️

Your eyes flutter open to feel warm hands placed onto your bare back and your face dug into someone's chest, their heart beat was rhythmically pleasing which made you sigh happily from feeling safe. Your eyes were shut tight while you smiled to yourself before realising who you were pressed up against. A gasp escapes your lips and you quickly sit up, you look over at the man you've been infatuated with for months to see him laying in your bed with no clothes except the thin sheet that covered his lower half. You watched his eyes slowly open and squint at your form before moving down to your chest and biting his lip, you look down as your eyes go wide.

"Shit." You mutter with gritted teeth and grab the pillow beside you to cover what was being exposed to his eyes.

"Are you ok?" He gets up onto his elbows and smiles at you amused.

"Uh. No. You're naked, please put something on." You bring your hand up to cover the view, not that you really wanted to.

"Why? You were fine with it last night?" He smirks and you shoot your gaze back to him, you glare daggers into his soul and gasp.

"I was drunk," you squint at him and he chuckles, "holy shit. I was drunk. I was fucking drunk!" You slap his shoulder and he winces, you could see a red mark forming on his perfectly smooth tanned skin. "You took advantage of me!" You growl at him and stand up from the bed. "Is that what you do? Take advantage of women when they can't even make their mind up on one simple decision, do you? Do you!?" You begin to yell at him and he gets up from the bed, he makes his way towards you and you try to keep your eyes focused on his instead of everything else that was on display.

"No. Y/N, please, just calm down." He grabs your shoulders and you back up against the wall, the paint that covered the bricks were piercing cold against your skin.

"I- Ja- why...?" You stutter on your words as they slowly came to a whisper and your eyelashes became heavy with tears. "Did you even give me a choice?" Your voice cracks and his jaw clenches tight.

"I did." He answers quietly and you squint your eyes at his.

"I don't remember." You growl through gritted teeth and he lets go of you as you look to your left. "Did I answer you?" You ask him and you see him nod his head in your peripheral.

"You said it was fine, I didn't think you were that drunk. You weren't throwing up or anything." You look back into his eyes and you could see he began to feel guitly.

"So I guess I just forgot then?" He nods his head and you slide down the wall, you bring your knees to your chest and lay your head into the pillow you rested on top.

"I'm sorry." He says, you could hear him squat down in front of you as his hand rested on top of yours, you look up at him and he bites his lip in thought. "Was that your first time though? Because when I-" You cut him off by forcing your lips onto his when you knew what he was going to say.

"Yes, it was." Your voice was quiet after you pulled away and lent your head back onto the wall behind you, your hair was messy and doing whatever it pleased. You move your eyes down to see him smugly smirking at you. "What?" Your tone was deep and low, catching his attention.

"Nothing." He shrugs it off and sits in front of you. "What now?" He asks and you look up at the ceiling. You remembered small things, some you don't want to talk about, and some modest enough to mention.

—"Maybe I'm just waiting for the right person." — You raise a brow. — "And who is this person?" — "You?" —

"Did you really mean what you said last night?" He looks at you confused and you clear your throat. "When You said you were waiting for the right person as a partner? You said me...?" Your brows furrow and he gives you a soft smile.

"Yes." His voice was warm and quiet.

"Does that mean- does that mean you-?" He laughs at you and nods his head.

"Yes, I like you, Y/N. Ever since I first met you I felt like you were the answer to all my questions, but I knew we were just friends and that you'd never think of me the same way I did you. So I tried to occupy myself with other girls to get my mind off of you, but last night, last night I just couldn't hold back my feelings anymore." You couldn't help but smile at what he said, even though he admitted to being with other girls he still showed the guilt for it in his eyes and tone.

"Well, I like you too, James. Ever since I first met you—of course I only had just met you—but overtime my feelings grew. Seeing you with other girls hurt me, but you seemed happy around them which I knew you weren't going to like me any more than just a friend." He gives you a warm smile and holds your hand in his.

"Then it's settled. I like you, you like me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" You giggle and nod your head.

"Yes." You answer happily and he leans in closer to give you a peck on the lips, you deepened the small gesture to find him later propping himself over top of you with the pillow still held to your chest.

"Do you wa-?" You cut him off and wrap your legs around his torso.

"Mhm." You nod your head and hum into his lips. He lifts your body up from the ground and gently plops you onto your bed, this felt like a dream to you but you knew it was real. It had to be.


This is kinda short but eh.

I've had like a five hour black out and it's currently 12:55am.

I am slowly dying I'm not even kidding.

It's so hot here in Australia and I honestly wanna jump out the window.

We have this generator which is polluting my bloody fresh air with carbon monoxide.

Every time I try to sleep my brother wakes me up cuz he thinks I'm dead.




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