(Save ME bonus chapter) -Bucky Barnes

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It was the third day you've been stuck in this room, you were starving and you could feel yourself become weaker every second that passes by. Your wrists stung from the metal tightly locked around them and your shoulders ached every time you moved slightly, you were freezing and wet from when they came in and drenched you in water. The large metal door clanged as it opened to show Nickolai walking into the room with the black staff in his hand, your eyes go wide and your breath gets caught in your throat.

"Let's see if this works?" He smirks evilly and you try and lean back away from him ignoring the pain in your wrists and shoulders. He walks closer to you and places the staff on your forehead, your eyes shut and you calm down.

"Hey..." He said smiling at you, you looked down his body and grinned. You loved waking up next to this man.

"Hey." You said smiling, leaning into his face you kissed him on the lips. You both pulled away and smiled letting out a little laugh.

Looking into each others eyes you quickly gasped, you looked down and saw a knife sticking out of your stomach. You looked up at him and he wasn't himself anymore. He rolled you over onto your back and sat on top of you holding the knife in your stomach. Pulling it out he held it above your head. You looked into his lifeless eyes as blood came out your nose. Your body stiff and lifeless you just laid there with your hand on your stomach and the other hanging off the bed.

"They told you to stay away!" He said bringing the knife down to your neck.

Your eyes widened and you gasped in fear, Nickolai looked at you confused. He took the staff from your forehead and tears started streaming down your cheeks.

"No, Bucky." You mumble to yourself with soft sobs. Nickolai growls in anger and places the staff on a small metal table in the corner of the room, he walks towards you and slaps your face hard.

"Tell me how to fix it!" You keep your head titled to the side and close your eyes, he grabs your face and makes you look at him. "Tell me you bitch!" He spits those words in your face and your chest began to hurt.

"Never." You growl at him and he lets go of you, he stays still for a few seconds before kneeing you in the gut. You take a sharp breath as the pain runs through you. He turns around and clicks his fingers, a screen in the corner of the room lights up to show a dark room with a single light shining over the top of a man. He sat tied to a chair with damp hair hanging over his face, one of HYDRA's soldiers walk into the room and stands in front of him. You shake your head in disbelief, how could they have captured him?

"Tell me. And he lives." Nickolai says calmly and you look closer at the screen, the soldier throws a punch at Bucky's face and you move in your chains ignoring the pain through your system.

"No!" You yell at the screen before Bucky gets punched again. "Stop!" You start to cry as he gets punched and kicked repeatedly. The screen was so small you could barely see their faces, just their body's moving. You could hear every punch and grunt they made, your eyes squint when Bucky suddenly calls out.

"Stop! Please!" Your eyebrows furrow, though you couldn't see his face you knew that wasn't Bucky's voice. You look at Nickolai and he's smirking at you, you raise your brows with a small smirk on your face as well, his lips fall into a thin line and he stares at you.

"You really think I wouldn't know what my boyfriends voice sounds like?" You scoff at him and he glares, he lifts his wrist to his mouth and speaks into the bracelet hanging on his skin.

"She knows, kill him." He orders and your eyes go wide.

"Wait! No! Stop!" You yell at him and look at the screen as the man is shot in the chest, your jaw drops and you gasp with small tears in your eyes. "That was an innocent man!" You growl at Nickolai and he smirks with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"He had nothing to live for, we did the world a favour." He says calmly and you look at him stunned and disgusted.

"How could you?" You hiss at him and he glares at you. "You're going to hell for everything you've done!" He rolls his eyes at you and you throw daggers into his soul as you keep your eyes locked deadly on him.

"Y/N, stop playing hard to get. If you tell us how to fix the staff..." He bends down in front of you and calmly speaks to you. "The world will be a better place." He looks into your eyes and you glare at him.

"No it won't. You'll use me, like you did everyone else." He smirks.

"Like we did Bucky?" You swallow the lump that formed in your throat and he chuckles.

"Leave Bucky out of this, he's never done anything to hurt you people!" You growl at him and he rolls his eyes.

"We'll let him be if you tell us." You shake your head.

"How can I trust you?" He smiles.

"You can't." He gets up, grabbing the staff from the table he began to walk away. "You might want to hurry up and make a choice." He smirks before he steps out of the room, two soldiers walk in and flick their batons out.

"Please no!" You plead as the door clings shut and they surround you, the empty hallways were filled with your deafening screams and pleads.

Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan imagines {x reader}Where stories live. Discover now