"As long as you would like to have me." She responded with a dismissive shrug. "I am not exactly looking forward to going back to Stark's Tower anytime soon."

Loki grinned. "Is that so?" He gently ran his fingers along the back of her neck and into her hair as she inhaled sharply. "I would like to have you tonight then, and will as often as I can get away with, but in a different form if you wish... Seeing you were flirting with that woman the moment you left my sight."

Kitri blushed remembering his transformation, and cleared her throat before answering." I would very much enjoy that." She admitted quietly, as she placed her hand over his and gave it a light squeeze.

"In that case I have a proposition." Loki was failing to hide his cheeky grin as he spoke. "I know of a tavern nearby that has fantastic dark ales. My transformative powers are known through legends, but most have not seen me in the usual female form I choose. Let us meet there later tonight?"

Kitri looked at him with a pleased smile. "I would love that."

Then they ate together, chatting about plans for the day. "I was hoping to go look around the markets again while you are busy today." Kitri said with a small delighted smile.

Loki nodded, chewing his food while cracking a half smile of his own. "More brewing ingredients?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I have only noticed that merchant you found me in front of. There seem to be many things here I could use. Would you like anything?"

"Oh I can think of a few things..." He winked as he snaked his arm around her waist and squeezed her, the action rewarding him with a soft sigh and her hand tightly gripping his thigh. "Actually, to think of it..." He continued, pleased at her immediate reaction to his touch. "Perhaps it would be useful to have you train with some of the women of magic around here. They may assist you in getting some of your powers back. Then you would not have to rely on those silly ingredients... Although to be quite honest, I would much rather prefer to train you myself."

She nudged him playfully in response. "I have a feeling that maintaining focus could prove to be quite difficult if you choose to train me." Loki chuckled in response, giving her a meaningful look that only reassured her guess.

After they ate, Loki walked her toward the entrance to Odin's halls, kissing her lightly before assigning a guard to accompany her.

"You really think this is necessary?" Kitri asked defiantly as she crossed her arms.

Loki chuckled. "If it makes you feel better, I am doing this not for you, but to settle my own selfish curiosity of your whereabouts."

She shook her head as she tried to bite down a small smile, but motioned for the guard to follow as Loki went about his business.

She spent a long while looking around the markets and purchasing ingredients along with some interesting clothing out of silk, leather, and this other very shiny black material. She later made her way back to the castle to place her things in Loki's chamber, which he had previously given her access to.

As she finished fixing her hair and getting dressed before supper, she heard the door to his chambers open. She turned around to see Loki standing in the open doorway to the bathroom, looking at her with his arms crossed and wearing a sly grin. He was obviously pleased with himself from having her be there. "What a pleasant sight, to see you in my chambers..."

She slowly strode toward him. "How was your day?" He asked as she snaked her arms around his waist.

"Not too bad, yours?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but she did not give him the chance to as she pulled him in to kiss her.

She was not a short woman by any means, taller than many females on Midgard, but his towering height still made it difficult for them to be on the same level without him lowering his face within her reach.

Sins With the God of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now