Chapter Eighty Nine 'The Dentist'

Start from the beginning

'No!! Get yourself together Ember he cheated on you!.....but he was drugged! you can't forgive him yet, stick to your guns girl!'
The battle going on inside Ember's head was a tough one she wanted so badly to forgive and move on but she couldn't, not yet anyway.
"Well there's no need for anymore tears because mammy is back and she's never leaving you again" Ember cooed kissing Diamonds forehead before looking up at Peter.

"Peter will you go find Joker I think he should be here when we talk, we are a family after all" Ember tried to smile but ended up letting out a frustrated breath.
Now now Ember it's time to be civil.....

Joker was furious
Joker was sad
Ember had woke up but she hated him, she still hated him!
Why on earth did he think she would just welcome him with open arms when he had completely broke her heart?!
Seeing Ember awake and alive had made him the happiest man alive, those golden orbs had made his heart flutter widely. Joker had missed her more than he would admit. Even though she hated him, he wanted nothing more than to be able to take her within his arms and kiss those small pouted lips until his last dying breath.

That word had struck him in the chest, the pain in that moment had been unbearable. It was like he had watched her get shot all over again. His strong, stubborn headed little doll was now at her most vulnerable and no amount of encouraging words and hugs was going to make it ok. He couldn't imagine the anguish she felt inside. Her whole life now revolved around running after their hyperactive child and now she had took on the form of a caged butterfly.
Joker despite his reputation wasn't completely selfish, nothing had changed within him. Whether Ember could walk or not he would still love her, she was still his little doll. It was going to be a long recover and he was going to do all he could to make sure she was getting the best care.

"Why the long face Joker?" A painful rasped behind him causing the Joker to smirk.
"I'm deciding what colour coffin Ember should have, white I think" Joker sighed lying through his teeth, enjoying the internal struggle Alexander was going through.
"She's not dead" Alexander whimpered trying to block out the clowns words but it was too hard.
"Oh she's dead.....dead...dead....dead" Joker sang swinging his head side to side as he picked up a set of rusted pliers "get him ready for the dentist boys" he continued with a sick smile.

Alexander's screams were music to his ears as his mouth was forced open. He knew it was time for another round of torture and there was nothing he could do to help. He wasn't exactly 'handy' anymore..........
Apart from spending time with Diamond this had to be the best part of Jokers day, inflicting pain on his enemies. It really helped to balance out criminal life with father life.

"Nowwwww Alexander why don't we have a look at those rotten teeth"

Joker paused himself for a few moments as he came to a stop and stared down at Alexander

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Joker paused himself for a few moments as he came to a stop and stared down at Alexander.
Fear, grief and dread filled Alexander's dark eyes which angered Joker. The fact he had the audacity to feel grief after all he had done to his family made the clown want to end him right there. Alexander had almost killed the only loves the Joker had and yet he dared to feel grief.
Shaking his head, Joker brought the pliers down and into Alexander's mouth where he quickly latched onto the first tooth and with a hard yank it came loose with a sickening sound.
Oh how fun this was going to be!

"Time for the finaleeeeeeeee!" Joker cheered throwing the now bloody pliers to the floor and walking over to his weapon table.
Alexander was now nothing but a gummy bear, an elderly man who was all gums. Joker could hear him gagging on his own blood, how pathetic.
If Alexander died Joker was going to be furious, he couldn't die until the clown had taken every part of his body that had touch his doll.

Picking up his favourite blade the twisted grin of the Joker grew darker and wider. If Alexander thought having all his teeth pulled out was painful he was going to be in for a shock. The clown seemed to feel more brutal today, maybe it was the fact he didn't take rejection well.
Letting out the menacing growl possible, Joker approached Alexander and gripped his tongue within his gloved fingers.
"There's no need for all the fuss Alexander, it's not like you're going to need it anymore"

 "There's no need for all the fuss Alexander, it's not like you're going to need it anymore"

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Still Alexander continued his struggles as he stared at the blade in complete horror.
How he wished death would come, he wanted to be with Ember once more. Surely she would have forgiven him in death, the shooting was a accident and Ember loved him he knew it for sure.

Tapping the blade against Alexander's tongue mockingly, Joker began to slowly and deliberately hack it off. Hearing Alexander's choked screams caused the Joker to burst out in manic laughter. This is what he wanted, this revenge was certainly sweet.
"Joker, sir?" A voice interrupted the clown as he continued to hack but quickly pausing he spun around, furious at being interrupted.
"WHAT?!" He roared glaring at the family Doctor as he stood at the bottom of the stairs looking like a frightened puppy.
"It's Ember she's asking for you" Peter whimpered before inwardly cursing at his own fear, even to this day there was something about the Joker that terrified him.
How an angel like Ember had coped this long he couldn't tell you, they were such polar opposites.

Joker staggered back in shock but felt a happy smile replace his evil one.
She was asking for him!
She wanted to see him!
He could feel his heart pounding rapidly in his ears, he felt ready to burst with joy. He couldn't believe it!
This meant everything to him!
"Really?" He question doc self consciously before he could stop himself.
"Yes, we must discuss her recovery and she was adamant that you be there" Peter smiled softly seeing the love that filled the Jokers eyes at his words.

Turning around with a loud laugh Joker quickly finished hacking off Alexander's tongue and brought it down to one of his stumps.
"Hold this for me will you friend......oh wait! You can't, what a shame!" J cackled before throwing it over his shoulder along with the blade.
With a skip in his step the Joker threw his arm around Peter and began guiding him back up the steps, excitement bubbling within him and becoming unbearable the closer they got to her new room.

"Come on doc! Let's go see my little doll!"

Sorry for the delay my life is a mess just like my updates but I promise more chapters will come this week. Feel free to message me to move my arse I will happily welcome it

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