i used to be your star

Start from the beginning

"yeah, he can come over, i'd like to re-meet him," jitae smiles.

"i'll text him your new number then," jungkook smiles. jitae nods softly and gives half a laugh.

"how many other friends do i have to re-meet?" jitae asks after a moment of silence.

"well, there's yoongi and hoseok from work," jungkook says, "and there's hoseok's boyfriend seokjin, and yoongi's 'not boyfriend' namjoon," jungkook makes air-quotes around the 'not boyfriend'. jitae tilts his head.

"not boyfriend?"

"well, yoongi's still in the closet to his family, they have outwardly said many times they hate people like us and he's scared to get disowned, so he never admits to dating namjoon, but namjoon forgets this and keeps telling us they're dating, which yoongi doesn't like much," jungkook cleans off his plate and takes both empty plates and begins to get the sink ready for cleaning. he ushers jitae over, pointing to the empty bench. "sit there so we can keep chatting," jungkook grins and begins to wash.

"uh, okay," jitae jumps up on the bench and thinks for a second, "were our parents okay? with us dating i mean," he asks, his hands between his knees as he sat on the bench top, watching jungkook adding dish soap to the small amount of hot water in the sink.

"your parents were super cool with it, my parents were a little shocked at first but they came around once they'd met you properly," he smiles. he chucks the forks in the bottom and sets the plates in too, washing them one by one and setting them in the dish rack.

"i'm glad," jitae smiles, "how long until you go to work?" jungkook looks over from the dishes before he glances at the clock on the microwave.

"forty minutes," jungkook smiles. jitae frowns and jumps off the bench.

"go get ready, i'll finish these up," jitae orders, gesturing to the pan, plate, and glass that were left still, where the glass came from he wasn't completely sure. jungkook smiled but didn't fight back, he just placed a hand on jitae's shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the head before disappearing back into their room. jitae paused a moment, thinking. he finished the dishes and went and sat down again, unsure of what to do until he hears jungkook come back out of the room. he was all dressed and ready for work though his expression looked like he had done something wrong.

"hey, jitae," jungkook starts, "i should have double checked before i-"

"no, jungkook, you're okay," jitae smiles. jungkook just nods and lets out half a laugh, heading over and sitting on the couch beside jitae.

"i texted taehyung your new number, he should text you soon enough," jungkook smiled. jitae nodded and looked at jungkook, a slightly awkward air hung over them a second. "jitae, we should talk," jungkook says. jitae freezes.


"boundaries," jungkook states, "what i am and am not allowed to do just yet. i just don't want to do anything wrong now," jungkook smiles sadly. jitae sighs in relief and smiles back.

"okay, um... cuddling i don't mind, and... head kisses are okay," jitae says with a nod, his gaze drifting to the side, "but, not the lips and nothing... else."

"oh, no i wasn't even thinking of doing that yet," jungkook laughs a little, "or at all really."

"oh. okay," jitae nods giving a weak smile. they spoke a little bit more about specifics that jungkook was wondering about but soon enough he stood to leave.

"i should be back around seven or so," jungkook as he walks behind jitae where he sat on the couch, placing a hand on his shoulder again and bent down a little, pausing moment before he lay a soft kiss on his head. jitae smiled as he watched over his shoulder as jungkook left the apartment. he grabbed his phone, reading the text from taehyung that had come through a couple of minutes ago.

from: unknown number
hi there jitae, you probably don't remember, me my name is kim taehyung. jungkook told me you'd be expecting a text from me, but i was wondering if i would be able to come see you at around twelve. i'll bring lunch.

jitae replied right after reading, making sure to go over his spelling before sending it, checking the time quickly as well to see how long he had until twelve.

to: kim taehyung (old friend)
of course you can come around. i assume you know where jungkook and i live, so i will see you at twelve-ish.

jitae leaned back on the couch, thinking on how to spend his time. obviously from there his mind wandered to jungkook. his mind was in turmoil about this guy that he had supposedly been dating for years. it hurt him that he had forgotten everything that they had done together, every moment they shared, every night they had spent curled up as they had been last night. it hadn't been the first time they'd done that.

it hadn't been...

then why did it feel like this was all new?

it was because of his memory loss, that was it. as soon as he remembered everything he would feel normal, he would feel the love for jungkook he once did.






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