...1... Ghost Story

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"Alright, get ready for a scary camp fire story!" Alya announced and the whole class and Mrs. Bustier circled around the camp fire. The only person who wasn't there was obvious, Chloe. Thank God for that."So, Alya. What stories do you know?" Mrs. Bustier asked."Well, I know one but it isn't scary but about a ghost." Alya said."Oh, then start dudette!" Nino said.


"We all know the town we are having our senior class farewell, Amity Park. The world's most haunted town." Alya started and everyone listened."Then it also means you know the popular ghost roaming there. His name is Phantom." Alya said."Whoa."

"Phantom was always fighting off the evil ghosts with his two friends Tritonic and Samsara, but one day after a fight that damaged most of the city, they disappeared with three other kids. Danny Fenton, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley." Alya started."Tourists and Hikers say that they heard screaming then singing while walking through the woods. Now rumour has it that Team Phantom tortures Danny, Sam and Tucker. Police and volunteers searched the woods only to find a ordinary forest." Alya said.

"Poor kids."
"Tell us more!!"
"Bed time kids."

"Mrs. Bustier!! I'm not done yet." Alya said."Alright, once Alya is finished, we go to sleep. We still have one day of school tomorrow ahead of us." Mrs. Bustier said as a few questions flew in the air. Why do we go to school even on a trip? Why school?

"The story goes on actually. The Fenton's had a daughter as well.One of the kids that went missing said that Phantom and his friends took their son and their friends to the Ghost Zone. A place where only ghost exist. People started to notice that they were a little too...merry about the situation. A neighbour filed a police report saying that she heard arguing and then gunshots in the house, but when the police started their investigation, they found nothing but a clean house. No blood. No gun no nothing except a house that has no kids anymore." Alya said.

"You don't think they murdered their daughter?" Adrien asked."Maybe, possibly. There's no evidence to support that." Alya answered."What about the parents? What did they do after they saw their daughter was gone?" Kim asked."Nothing. People actually dubbed them as the town's crazies. They were the people who hated Team Phantom the most." Alya said."That story wasn't scary but sad." Sabrina said."I told you it wasn't scary just the thought of it is." Alya said."Alright, bed time." Mrs. Bustier said and everyone went to their chalets. Adrien, Nino, Marinette and Alya shared one.  Nathaniel, Alex, Kim were together in one room. Mylene, Ivan, Juleka and Rose. Then lastly Mrs. Bustier was in her own cabin.

Before she went to bed, she quickly made sure everyone else was save and went to sleep with full stomachs. She checked everyone except Marinette's cabin. She was on her way before she heard a ear piercing scream. She ran to their cabin."IS EVERYONE OKAY?!!" She shouted. She saw Adrien, Marinette, Nino and Alya in shock."We we saw a hand!!" Alya shouted pointing at the window. Mrs. Bustier rushed there and saw a bloody hand smeared on the window. In the distance you could here people struggling and screaming.

"What was that?" Marinette asked."I don't know. Alya your the one who told the story!" Nino said."That doesn't mean I know!" Alya said."Stay here." Mrs. Bustier said and as she was about to open the door to go do a quick patrol it was interrupted by a knock. Adrien opened the door."Hello. Sorry for the disturbance earlier." A man said. He wore a white suit and white shades."Uh, okay, what was that then?" Alya asked."That is classified. All you can know is that it is one of our test subjects." He said before leaving.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Mrs. Bustier asked."Yes, we are just tired and frightened."Marinette said."Okay. If anything is here again, just scream for me okay." She said and then there was a scream from Juleka's room. Mrs. Bustier, Marinette and Adrien ran to the room."Is everyone okay?!" Marinette's shouted."Yeah, we heard a scream from the woods and we, uh, reacted to it." Mylene said."Don't worry about it. There was this man from the government with something..."

Book7 PDS: The Miraculous Ghost Story Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя