...44...Final Attack...44...

15 0 0

A week went by without any sort of hitches. Poseidon didn't know whether to be worried or relieved. The demigods at least managed to finish preparations, though they didn't stop. No one complained.

Balancer, Jason and Percy were working on both training the demigods and figuring out a plan to break the portal and get Clockwork out.

So far they have a diversion plan. Lure most of the Fruitloops away and strike at the Portal. Of course, Balancer is going to help to do that, for in case Killer is with them. King, he can easily knock him out.

Ninja will fly over them to catch their attention. Assassin, both Dan's and Reaper will focus on luring as many Vlad's as possible away from the portal. Percy and Balancer is going to try and break the portal apart while trying to get King and Killer back.

Balancer was fortunate enough to have the Fenton thermos blueprints, so Hephaestus was able to make new ones with a few improvements. He did praise Balancer for Jack and Maddie's handy work.

Hephaestus made the thermos more... wearable. Now they can be worn on the wrists of the person using them. It was way more cooler and awesome that way, according to Reaper.

Everyone got two of them. Hephaestus even made a pair each for Killer and King.

Poseidon's preparations made civilians of New York City safer at least. Everyone were evacuated ordered by the President of the United States. Being a god had its perks.

The Justice League and a few demigods set up traps all over New York City and helped with weaponry.

Now all that was left was the actual war.

Balancer's POV
Tartarus's attack is coming soon. I can feel it. Every night when everyone is asleep, I lay awake, mainly because of nightmares. In that time I try to remember what his plan was actually.

It wasn't exactly like the first time. This time Tartarus had Clockwork at his disposal. He is priority. Luckily, being the God of Balance, I can tip the scales to our advantage. Of course I can't do it too much, otherwise the imbalance can do more harm than good.

"Pst, Danny."

I looked at the door to see Apollo. Looking around, I saw everyone else were fast asleep. Pushing Apollo outside, I closed the door behind me and looked at him impatiently. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Follow me." He started to walk, but I stayed put. When he noticed I wasn't following him, he turned to face me. "Come on." Apollo said. I caved in and followed him, rolling my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Not far. Just trust me." He said. He's surprisingly very calm. He stopped at a cliff that overlooked the ocean. The moon shined beautifully ahead, making the water shine.

Apollo sat down, letting his legs hang over the ledge. He patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to him. "Why are we here?" I asked, looking down at my lap at my hands.

"Just for the peacefulness and if you want to talk, I'll listen." Apollo said. I looked at him shocked for a moment. "It's been fifteen years give or take and Tartarus is still after us. It's like fifteen thousand years in his realm...he really knows how to hold a grudge." I said.

"Gods be like that. Tartarus, however, is still stuck in the old ways."

"Why us? Just because we're the sons of the Big Three or something?"

"If that were true, a lot of heroes would've met their end...and a couple of other gods." Apollo said. I chuckled. "Zeus to be horny." Apollo smiled at the comment.

I leaned backwards to lean onto my hands, only to feel Apollo's hands underneath mine. He didn't move it out of the way so I placed mine next to his.

"About the song you promised me...you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Book7 PDS: The Miraculous Ghost Story Where stories live. Discover now