Beware of The Physical Exams!

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Today, because it was such a beautiful day outside and the cherry blossoms were fully bloomed, the host club was outside. Yuki was back into her maids uniform that had been ticked to look like the butler that most of the host, well besides honey, Mori and Haruhi, were wearing. As most of the host were serving their own guest today, it was Yuki's job to take more photos for the next photo books that would be coming out. Kyoya and herself stayed late for the last few days putting together her other pictures into books that were now ready to be sold. Each of the host, besides the two set of pairs; Hikaru and Kaoru, Honey and Mori, got their own books. It was Yuki's idea to keep the host who work together paired up in one book because most of the photos had both of them in it, Kyoya wanted to do different ones for each because of the fact it would bring in more money but he then agreed with her. The cost of printing two of the same book for two different host wasn't worth the money that it would bring in because once the girls realised it was the same book they would only get one. 

Yuki walked around the hosting area, taking pictures of everything and anything she thought might be able to go into a photo book. The brunette was taking photos of the twins when she heard Kyoya explain and start to sell the photo books they had made together. 

"But I have to wonder, When did he take photos of us" The twins asked. Yuki looked over at the two of them who looked kind of confused making her laugh. 

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" Yuki called and waited for them to turn and look at her. Once they did she took a picture of the two of them and giggled. "Yeah it's a total mystery where he got those photos from" She winked at the boys only to be tackled by the two gingers. Over the last month or so that the two Fujioka siblings have been apart of the host club, Yuki has gotten pretty close with some of the members. The only members that she hasn't gotten close with would be Mori and Tamaki, she wasn't close to mori because he didn't talk much and she wasn't that close to Tamaki because he had been more focused on Haruhi lately then her which didn't bother her. Yuki was even close to the shadow king himself, Kyoya, but only when the two of them were alone that is. With the twins it was easy to get close to them after she beat her 5th game of 'which one is Hikaru', it shocked a lot of people but that didn't matter to Yuki. Yuki was excited that she had made some great friends and she always tried to show Haruhi that the host club wasn't as bad as she was making it out to be. Although those thoughts were lost when she was pulled and squished between Kaoru and Haruhi with Hikaru on the other side of her. 

"So Haruhi, Yuki have you decided your elective courses for this term?" The ginger twins asked the Fujioka twins who they had captured between them. Yuki seemed to be the only one about to answer when Kaoru spoke first. 

"How about conversational French?" Kaoru asked the both of them.

"I don't know" Haruhi replied while Yuki replied with "That kinda sounds fun" at the same time.

"I think the four of us should take it together" Hikaru spoke up quickly after the two girls. "It makes perfect sense"

"We are in the same class" The twins said together looking behind the girls back. Yuki looked over and noticed Tamaki looked hurt about something which now made sense what the twins were doing. They were trying to make Tamaki jealous because they got to spend more time with Haruhi and it clearly worked out perfectly for them because it didn't take long till Tamaki was sitting under a tree with darkness around him. Yuki turned around to watch what was going on once she heard Tamaki call out to Kyoya. 

"Say, mommy dear?" Tamaki said while still in his own darkness cloud. 

"What is it now, Daddy?" Kyoya stopped writing to answer him. Yuki covered her mouth to stop a laugh as she stood closer to Kyoya. She knew that Tamaki insisted on the roles but she didn't think that Kyoya would actually use them as well. 

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