Sleep Over

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(I am not going to do the next episode because I didn't really like it and I couldn't find a way to place Yuki into it. So instead of skipping it and jumping right to Jungle Pool SOS, I am going to be writing a shorter chapter about Yuki's and the twins sleep over! Enjoy) 

The limo ride from the school to the twins home was full of nothing but laughter and fun. The ride there wasn't to long, only roughly about 10 to 15 minutes but the whole time Yuki was nervous about going to their place. Yuki knew the place was going to be huge and she knew that there would be servants but really Yuki was most worried about breaking something or even more so, meeting their mother. Hikaru and Kaoru had told her that their mom was head of Hitachiin fashion company and that she was interested in meeting Yuki. When the limo pulled up into the boys long drive way before stopping in front of the large mansion. The twins got out and started to walk towards the front door before stopping when they noticed that Yuki hadn't been following them. Hikaru walked back to the limo, leaning back in and pulled out Yuki. 

"What are you doing?" Hikaru asked. 

"What if your mom doesn't like me?" Yuki questioned looking away from the mansion in front of her and over to Hikaru. 

"Are you crazy?" Kaoru asked as he jumped down the steps to join the two of them. 

"Our mother will love you! Come on don't be so scared!" Hikaru said as the two boys grabbed one of Yuki's wrists before pulling her inside. 

The three teens rushed through the large house until they made it to a bedroom, which Yuki guessed was one of the twin's. The twins threw their bags as well as Yuki's onto the bed before they left the room and rushed to another part of the house. Yuki tried to look around at things as they passed them but the twins were moving to fast to see anything clearly. The forceful pulling stopped as the three of them stopped in front of the a large door with the sound of humming coming inside the room. 

"This is our mothers work room" The twins said together before they pushed open the door. 

Inside the room was a beautiful woman with short ginger hair and similar eyes to the twins. Now Yuki understood where the twins had gotten their looks from, she wondered what their father looked like. The woman kept humming as she was working on something and had yet to noticed the three teens standing just inside of the door. 

"Mom" the twins said which pulled the ginger woman out of her peaceful humming. She turned around and a smile lit up her face quickly. 

"You must be Yuki! Hikaru and Kaoru talk about you so much. You know you are the first person to tell them apart, I can't even do that" she giggled "My name is Yuzuha" Yuzuha pulled Yuki into a motherly hug that nearly made Yuki want to cry. "Oh you are just so beautiful! Would you mind if I use you as a model for a little bit? I need to see some of my new outfits on someone" 

"Uh sure" Yuki smiled nervously up at Yuzuha. Yuki loved fashion and the fact that she was going to be able to try on some of hitachiin's fashion before they were for sell was amazing. However she was nervous she was going to rip something. "I'd love to Yuzuha" Yuki smiled brightly up at the older and taller female. 

Yuzuha squealed before giving Yuki another hug. The twins went to a couch on one side of the room while Yuki was pulled behind some curtains where she was meant to change. The first thing she was given was a simple but beautiful light blue sundress that instead of straps had some cloth that tied together behind her neck. The sundress went to just above her knees and was made out of a very soft martial. Yuki walked out through the curtain and in front of the three Hitachiin's. 

"Yuki you look beautiful!" Yuzuha clapped happily. 

"Good job mom!" the twins gave their mother a thumbs up making the two females laugh. 

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