Tamaki's Unwitting Depression

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"Hey Fujioka are you..." Ritsu's voice caused both of the girls to turn towards the door.

"Hey get out of here!" Haruhi stepped in front of Yuki quickly as Yuki shielded herself as much as she could.


The three just stared at each other with completely different expression. Haruhi was annoyed that a man tried to peep on her twin. Yuki had gone completely red at this point and was trying to throw on a shirt as quickly as possible. Ritsu was in complete shock. He didn't expect Yuki to have been actually changing her clothes, he figured at most that she would be taking off her sweater. The red head was also confused at why Yuki's twin brother was helping her change?

'Is Haruhi a pervert?' Ritsu thought. However he also seemed to realize that he was still staring at a shirtless Yuki. "Uh.. my bad." He stumbled out before bolting from the back room into the main part of the music room.

Unlucky for him, the rest of the host club had been waiting for him. While none of the boys seemed very happy that Ritsu had been peeping on Yuki, the twins seemed the most dangerous at the moment. After all they were Yuki's best friends and they couldn't allow the boy to get away after this.

"Peeping Tom!" The twins shouted standing above Ritsu.

"You saw--"

"Didn't you, Bossa Nova?"

"No I didn't see! I mean, I caught a glance, yeah, but it all happened so fast that I didn't-- it was an accident! I swear to you that I'm not a pervert!" Ritsu cried as his body shook. He never really been in a place where he had to fear for his life before. But he was seriously worried in this moment.

"Of course you would say that." Honey stepped between the twins, having dropped his cute and innocent act. "Sure signs of a guilty conscience."

"Ahh!" Ritsu started to shake even more. 'how is it that the lovely item is the scariest person in the room?' He took a breath and tried to calm himself down. He needed to know the answer to something before they beat him up. "So is Fujioka a pervert?"

The room grew silent as the host club grew confused. None of them quite understood what Ritsu was applying here. The twins looked at each other before turning back to Ritsu causing the red head to flinch a little bit.

"What are you talking about Bossa Nova?" The twins questioned.

"Well Haruhi was in there watching his sister change her clothes so.." Ritsu pointed behind him to the dressing room. "Unless Haruhi is also a girl but.."

"Red alert. He's on to Haruhi's little secret." Kaoru sighed

"That's not good." Hikaru agreed. "so let's hear it."

"How much of Yuki's maidenly terra incognita did you actually see?" Kaoru questioned.

"Well she was changing so I saw her underwear." Ritsu answered them honestly.


"So what do we do?" Kaoru snapped.

"There's only one thing to do: we have to induce amnesia." Hikaru answered pulling out a baseball bat. "hold him!" Kaoru did as he was told and held Ritsu still for Hikaru.

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