The Host Club Declares Dissolution

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It was the morning before the Ouran Fair and Yuki was currently working with the art club. She probably should have been with the Host Club but she had the rest of the fair to be with them. At the moment she was hanging her art work up in her designated spot. She took a careful step back as to not fall into the water and took a good look at the painting she did. To on lookers it was just a beautiful rainbow rose garden but for anyone at Ouran, it was a piece dedicated to the Host Club. Each color of rose paid tribute to each member of the family she has made during her time at Ouran Academy. Yuki already planned on hanging it in the music room once the Fair was over.

"Yuki!!" A few feminine voices drew Yuki's attention away from her art work and the memories she was pulled into. Yuki turned and smiled when she noticed it was some of the girls from the Art club that frequented the Host Club. "The opening ceremony is about to begin! You should probably get back to the Host Club." One of them reminded her.

"Oh thank you!" Yuki smiled brightly at them as she walked away from her painting.


Yuki pushed a cart of drinks and cakes through the crowd of people. A smile on her face as she glanced around. The room was way over the top but she didn't expect anything less from Tamaki. She was dressed in a maids uniform that was very similar to the outfits that the rest of the host club was wearing. The only difference really was that she was wearing a skirt and a corset instead of a blazer and pants. The room was filled with their normal customers as well as their parents that had came along to see what their daughters have been doing this whole time. With how charming the boys were, none of the parents seemed to be angry about it. But it probably also helped that the boys all belonged to very high standing families. Yuki felt eyes on the back of her head causing her to pause and turn around.

"Miss Fujioka." A deep voice spoke as she turned around. Yuki gulped as the head of the Ootori family walked her way. She stood up straight and turned to face him fully.

"Mr Ootori it's nice to see you again." Yuki said politely as she bowed her head to him. She then looked up to meet his face. He looked just as unpleased as he did back during that dinner. The almost glare he was giving caused her to gulp and the confident stance she had crumbled a bit. "I'm surprised you joined us today."

"I suppose I was trying to find some kind of redeemable quality to this...activity my son has gotten himself into." He spoke hardly as his eyes glanced around.

"Well the club does a lot. It builds connections with people, it has a lot of.." Yuki started to defend the Host Club when she was cut off by another voice.

"Father." Kyoya walked over and stood next to Yuki. He glanced down at her before looking back to his father. Yuki gulped as she took a step back. It was probably better than he had stepped in before she started any kind of fight with his father. "Yuki, Chairman Suou has requested Haruhi and your presence."

"Nice to see you again." Yuki lied as she bowed her head again respectfully before making a bee-line towards the rest of the party. Letting out a sigh of relief, she searched for a moment before finding the chairman and her sister sitting on a couch.

"Ah Yuki! Finally you have joined us." Chairman stood up and held out a hand.

"My apologies Chairman. I was caught in a conversation with Mr. Ootori." Yuki smiled brightly as she placed her hand in his. She expected a hand shake but the Chairman leaned down and placed a kiss on her hand.

"Please chairman is to formal. Like I told Haruhi here. Call me your Uncle." Chairman said. Yuki sweat dropped as she looked at him. 'I see the apple didn't fall far from the tree huh Tamaki?'

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