Hirakata Park

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Yuki took a deep breath as she settled into the large leather seat of the Hitachiin family's private jet. Just like Hikaru had said on the phone, the trio were on the plane to head to Hirakata. It was the first time that Yuki would ever be traveling by plane and she was a bit nervous. She was happy that her first time flying would he in a private jet with the only other passengers being her best friends. Being crowded in a tight space with a lot of over people might have caused her to have a panic attack.

"Yuki?" The sound of her name made Yuki snap out of her thoughts and turn towards the twins that were sitting in the seats in front of her. Her eyes shifted between the two of them until she followed their line of sight to see they were looking at her hands. Which were gripping the arm rests tightly.

"Sorry" Yuki squeaked out a response before releasing her grip. "I've just never flown before."

"Really?" Hikaru asked surprised.

"Well yeah.." Yuki laughed as a blush came to her cheeks. She was never embarrassed by things she did or didn't do that seemed weird to the twins. They didn't judge her for it either. However they would sometimes tease her a bit but it was never meant to be mean.

"Well we're glad to take you on your first trip!" The twins cheered together.

"Thanks.." Yuki's lips turned up into a bright smile as she felt her body relax ever so slightly.


"Whoa!" Yuki gasped in surprised as they walked into the hotel room that the twins mother had rented them for the night. She really should have expected something like this but she hadn't been.

The hotel room they walked into was large and more then likely one of the best rooms in the whole hotel. It reminded her of her own apartment. There was the main room that held a living room and a kitchen that was actually stocked with enough food to keep the trio feed for the night and the next morning. There were three doors leading off the main room, two of them lead into bedrooms and they both had king sized beds. The last door was the bathroom that was pretty large as well. 

"This place is really nice." Yuki said as she sat down on the nice leather couch in the living room. The three of them had been there for about a half hour just settling into the space. "Your mom could have just gotten us a room with just a king sized bed." She said as she ran her hand through her hair. The trio had gravitated to sleeping in the same bed whenever they had sleep overs. After the twins learned about her having nightmares and night terrors, they wouldn't let her sleep alone.

"I'm sure our mom didn't want to encourage you sleeping in the same bed with us when we are alone." Hikaru snickered.

"Well it's not like anything would happen." Kaoru commented.

"Are you upset about that Kaoru?" Hikaru teased.

"Shut up Hikaru!" Kaoru threw one of the pillows at his twin.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yuki questioned leaning forward looking at the two males. The pair of them turned and blinked at the obvious brunette.

"Nothing!" The two said quickly. Kaoru just wanted to drop the topic and Hikaru knew that it would annoy Yuki a bit by not being told.

"What? No guys come on!" Yuki stood and squeezed herself between the two of them.

"Yuki why don't you make dinner?" Kaoru tried to change the subject.

"Oh yeah! Please?" Hikaru dropped his teasing the moment food was brought up. "your a great cook."

"Uh.." Yuki blushed a bit as she scratched her cheek. "I mean I can see what your mom got for us." She said standing up and leaving the twins on the couch. She hummed as she searched the kitchen to see what she could make.

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