Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!

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"Do you want to come with me?" Haruhi asked as she slipped on her shoes. Yuki looked up tiredly from her bowl of fruit that she was eating for breakfast. It was Sunday and Haruhi wanted to go to the supermarket for a few things. However Yuki was still half asleep at the dining table.

"No you go ahead. If you wait for me we wouldn't leave until noon." Yuki yawned before she stood from her spot on the ground. She grabbed her bowl and started towards her bedroom. "Have fun Haruhi" she waved before disappearing behind her door.


About an hour later the noise of the door bell made Yuki perk up just a bit. She knew her dad would get the door so she didn't rush out for it. However when a loud bang coming from the living room drew her attention away from the sketch she had been doing, she left her room to investigate.

Yuki blinked a few times as she took in the sight in front of her. The host club were standing in the door way with Tamaki under her fathers foot.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yuki walked over to them with a smile. "You probably should have called first. Haruhi went to the supermarket and.."

"Actually she is hanging out with some of her friends." Ranka explained as he took a bite out of the sweets that the host club brought with them. "Although come to think of it, I don't remember Haruhi knowing anyone from Saint Lobelia's"

"Lobelia?" Yuki questioned confused as the rest of the host club seemed to be freaking out. "What?" She asked confused looking to the host club.

"You remember the Zuka club don't you?" Kyoya spoke up as he took the spot next to Yuki. The commoner thought about the statement for a minute then did in fact remember the said club. Haruhi had told her that they wanted her to transfer schools but the name of the Academy still didn't really register. Although she suppose that didn't really matter at the moment.

"What if the Zuka club entices Haruhi to do something outrageously scandalous?" Ranka cried clearly worried about his daughter. Yuki however sweat dropped at the statement.

"Entice her?"

"Something scandalous?"

"Just suppose she's forced to kiss somebody?" Ranka explained. Yuki blushed brightly at the statement.

"Actually dad Haruhi al...!!" Yuki went to tell her father about the kiss Haruhi had already gotten but her mouth was covered quickly by Tamaki who clearly didn't want to let Ranka know about. The twins seemed to have the same idea as they also started talking but Tamaki tied the pair together to keep them quiet.

"What exactly goes on at that host club of yours, Suou?" Ranka glared.

"Why nothing that a loving father wouldn't approve of!" Tamaki answered. Yuki rolled her eyes as she untied the twins. There were a lot of things that were questionable about the host club, not that she would ever say anything in fear of not being allowed back by her father. "We must rescue Haruhi without delay!"


A sigh left her lips as she leaned against the wall. She wasn't listening to anything that was being talked about between the host club and her father. Not that she wasn't interested in what was being said but because she was still tired. Today was meant to be spent just relaxing. After all yesterday did take a lot of energy. However when she heard her mothers name she snapped out of it and payed attention.

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