The Job of a High School Host

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"Haruhi are you coming?" Yuki looked back at her sister as she stood between Kaoru and Hikaru near the exit of their class room. They had just finished the school day and it was time for them to go join the host club. While Yuki was still more then happy to be apart of the club, Haruhi just found it annoying to have to take time away from when she could possible be studying. 

"I need to do something first. I'll meet you all there" Haruhi said as she was still packing some of her stuff into her bag. 

The three first years looked at each other before shrugging and leaving the room without Haruhi. It took a few minutes until the three of them made it to music room 3. Hikaru and Kaoru walked into the room first and Yuki followed the pair close behind only to pause and gasp at the room around her. Instead of the normal host club with the tables and couches it was replaced with trees, flowers, animals and warmth. Before she could say anything she was caught by Tamaki who spun her around in a tight hug. 

"Hey daddy" Yuki giggled which only ended up with the hug getting tighter and Tamaki fawning over how cute she was. "Tamaki shouldn't I go get dressed?" she squeaked as she began to lose air from the tight hug. Tamaki seemed to get the message and let go of his 'little girl'. 

"Of course! Your outfit is in the changing room!" Tamaki said before pushing her towards the back room.

Yuki giggled before walking the rest of the way to the back room and walked over to a bag that had her name on it. It only took one look inside to realize that it wasn't the same maids outfit she normally wore but then again she would be out of place if she wore that and everyone else was dressed up for the theme. The brunette grabbed the brown bag before slipping into the far changing room where she changed into the outfit she was given. The outfit was very simple but was made out of very nice marital. The top was a white sleeve-less shirt that wrapped around her chest and stomach tightly then there was a royal purple long skirt that went nearly to the floor and hung nicely from her hips. Yuki turned to the mirror and did her hair into a side braid then put a lonely red flower into the end of it. The last thing she had in the bag were some brown leather sandals that went half way up her calf. After she finished getting ready she walked out and started towards the hosts only to be stopped by Kyoya who placed a camera into her hands. 

"Today I want you to take photos of the host instead of serving." Kyoya said before walking away. Yuki blinked after him before shrugging and sliding the strap over her neck just as the door opened and in walked Haruhi. Yuki started walking over to her seeing as she didn't seem very pleased at the sight in front of her. 

"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's early spring." Haruhi commented as she pulled out a random calendar seemingly out of nowhere. Yuki blinked surprised 'Does everyone have this power besides me?' she silently questioned as her mind seemed to go somewhere else rather then the scene in front of her or maybe it was watching Mori run around with Honey on his back that made it nearly impossible for Yuki to listen to what Tamaki was saying. The first year student didn't snap back to the conversation until she heard Haruhi speak again "That's funny 'cause I feel a massive chill right now." 

"Oh Haruhi don't be such a downer!" Yuki bounced over to her sister and pulled her away from Tamaki. "The heat feels really nice and the outfits are really cute!" Yuki told Haruhi but Haruhi just seems to sigh at how joyful her sister was. 

"Well you do look nice Yuki" Haruhi smiled at her sister but however the older twin refused to wear the outfit that they had gotten for her. The host club didn't argue much as Tamaki was the one that picked it out and in Yuki's opinion it would give away Haruhi was a girl. But also it was only a minute before the host club actually opened. 

While the hosts were sitting with their clients or in Kyoya's case, sitting at a table on his laptop, Yuki walked around taking photos. Most people didn't pay any mind to her. She would sometimes get a wave or get stopped by a few guest asking what she was doing which she would always reply with 'It's a secret' then wink and leave the area. During the small time being part of the host club, Yuki has always made sure to talk with the ladies a little bit. It showed them that she was there for them as well and not just for the male host, it also made the girls enjoy her company instead of hating her for being the only female in the host club. Yuki was walking over towards her sister as she heard Tamaki talking to his customers. 

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