The Letter

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"Girls do you need help?" Ranka's voice called out to his twin daughters. Both girls were currently packing their gifts into a box to be carried into their rooms.

"I got it"

"We're okay"

Were the girls responses. Haruhi carried her box filled mostly of books and clothes off to her room. The host club had also gotten her fancy tuna but that was in the fridge. Yuki paused before picking up her own box to retreat into her room. She glanced over and watched as her dad was pulling down some decorations with a smile on his face. He seemed so happy.

"Dad?" Yuki spoke up causing Ranka to stop what he was doing and turn to his youngest daughter.

"Yes sweetie?" He smiled as he spoke.

"Thank you.." Yuki spoke sheepishly as she nervously picked at her fingers. "For being there for us and doing all of this."

"Well you should thank the host club! Their the ones that did this all." Ranka said brushing the thank you off with a slight blush.

"Well I wasn't just talking about the party." Yuki said causing Ranka to look at her surprised. "Every year you try your hardest to make us happy on our birthday but in the end you always respect our wishes to just stay in bed." She mumbled looking down. "Your a really great dad and I just wanted to say thank you."

"Oh Yuki!" Ranka cried out as he rushed over to give his daughter a giant bear hug. After a moment of the crazy hug, he calmed down and just held his daughter. "Kotoko would be so proud of you two. I just know she's watching you two today with the largest smile." The tears that Yuki had been holding back all day finally surfaced and soon she was silently sobbing into her father's chest. "Now go put your stuff away and get some sleep. Those boys sure did stay late."

A soft laugh escaped Yuki's lips. She nodded her head before pulling away from him. The pair shared good nights before Yuki picked up her box and walked into her room. She set the box on her desk chair and began to empty the items inside of it. Honey and Mori had gotten her sweets while Tamaki had gotten her more painting supplies while ordering her to paint him when she had a moment. Hikaru and apparently their mother had given her a few outfits from her new line. Yuki made sure to have the twins tell their mother thank you for them. Now her two favorite gifts had to be the ones she had gotten from Kyoya and Kaoru. Kaoru had gotten her this beautiful necklace. It was a small rose shaped pendant that had many small orange gemstones on it. She held the small piece of jewelry and smiled as she thought back to opening it.


"Open Kaoru's next." Hikaru smirked as he handing Yuki a small box. It was wrapped in orange glittery wrapping paper with a white bow on top. After seeing a very similar package from Hikaru, Yuki had come to the conclusion that their mother had wrapped them for them.

"Wait maybe someone else could go first." Kaoru scratched his cheek nervously.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's great Kaoru." Yuki said gently as she carefully tore off the wrapping paper. Underneath was a black jewelry box, clearly made for either a bracelet or necklace. "Kaoru I swear if you got me some kind of diamo-" Yuki spoke while opening the box only to freeze when she saw the item. The necklace was laying in the black box with a few orange rose petals scattered against the black velvet. "It's beautiful Kaoru! Here help me put it on!"

"Oh! Okay.." Kaoru blushed as he stood up and joined Yuki half way before helping her put on the necklace. He hadn't expected her to one to put it on right away. She turned around to face him and a wide smile came to his face. "I'm glad it looks so..whoa!" Yuki wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

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