Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!

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Arai came in and sat down at a table with Haruhi to catch up. At some point the missing host members had shown up and taken up a table near the middle school friends. Hikaru, Kaoru and Yuki were all off to the side at the bar. The twins were sitting down while Yuki was standing behind the bar. Her eyes would some time drift over to Haruhi and Arai but they didn't stay very long.

Yuki and Arai were pretty close in middle school. The two of them were friends but Arai was also Yuki's first crush. However they didn't stay in contact after middle school. Arai probably thought it was because of the different schools but in reality, Yuki was just to embarrassed to confront the boy again. Which was why she was standing at the bar with Hikaru and Kaoru instead of at the table with her sister and their middle school friend.

"So he's a friend of Haruhi's from middle school then?" Kyoya asked and before Yuki could answer Hikaru butted in.

"They've had zero contact since graduation so in my opinion, they're not friends, just former classmates." Hikaru spoke. Yuki hummed in slight agreement. While it was a bit more harsh then how she would have put it, it was the truth. Sure they were friends at one point but Yuki wouldn't consider him a friend anymore. Her friends were the host club and a few other people at ouran. Seeing as all of her middle school friends didn't even try to contact her after she followed Haruhi to Ouran. Yuki leaned against the bar in the space between the twins and let out a nearly silent sigh. She could feel a few pairs of eyes on her but she kept her eyes down.

"So these guys are all in a club with you?" Arai asked.

"Host club." Haruhi said in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Oh. Is that so?" Arai spoke.

"Hey, Haruhi! Don't you think you should be working?" Hikaru commented holding up his empty glass. Despite the fact that Yuki was standing in front of him, clearly able to get a new glass. "You shouldn't be slacking off!" Yuki cursed slightly as she noticed everyone turning to look their way.

"Misuzu said I can take a break!" Haruhi answered.

"Hey Yuki!" Arai waved to Yuki. It had been clearly the first time he had noticed she was in the building. It also took the host club by surprise as he had called her by her first name instead of Fujioka like he called Haruhi. "Why don't you come sit with us?" He asked.

"I'm uh.." Yuki looked conflicted before grabbing Hikaru's cup. "I have to get a refill." She said before turning her back towards everyone and started refilling Hikaru's drink.

The conversation didn't stop despite Yuki acting strange. However Yuki kind of zoned out for most of the conversation. She only came back when Hikaru started talking.

"What's with him? He's trying to use the refreshing innocence approach. Someone should tell him we already had a refreshing contest." Hikaru spoke in a harsh tone. Yuki turned around and placed the glass in front of him. She blinked a bit looking at him for a moment until she realized what was happening. Hikaru was jealous of Arai.

"You're being unusually critical." Kyoya spoke up from the table behind the twins.

"I'm just sayin'. It's obvious this guy has a thing for Haruhi. It's sickening to watch him try and flirt." Hikaru said loud enough so Haruhi and Arai could hear him. Yuki flinched slightly at how dead on Hikaru got it.

"Hikaru! What's wrong with you!? Quit acting like such a jerk!" Haruhi stood up from her spot to yell at Hikaru. It didn't surprise Yuki that Haruhi didn't understand what was happening. While yes Hikaru was acting out of line, he didn't deserve to be yelled at like that. Maybe she was on Hikaru's side because of what happened between Arai and herself in middle school.

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