The Photo Contest

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A soft sigh escaped Yuki's soft lips as Haruhi and herself stepped into the building. Today was Saturday but more importantly it was the judging day of the photo contest that Yuki had entered a while ago. The photos themselves have been on display for about a week now but it was the first time Yuki had actually stepped foot into the building because of everything going on in school and with the host club.

Speaking of the host club, Yuki was definitely regretting her choice in not telling them about it. Well she had told them about it but it had been a while since then that she wouldn't be very surprised if they had forgotten. It was like the school show case all over again. Yuki didn't want to tell the club about what she was doing because she was nervous about it but then in the moment she wanted nothing more to have them at her side. At least she did have Haruhi by her side.

"Wow all of these are really good." Haruhi spoke as they walked through all of the photos that had been displayed. While Haruhi was only trying to compliment the others, Yuki's shoulders dropped. Of course Yuki wasn't very confident that she was going to win, she still was worried about losing. It was complicated.

"Yeah.." Yuki let out another sigh as she rubbed the back of her head. As they walked Yuki absentmindedly tugged on the long sleeve black dress she was wearing. It was a dress she got for this event, it had long off the shoulder sleeves and hugged her body nicely, stopping a few centimeters above her knees. The dress was paired with silver kitten heels. "I don't know why I entered. Not like I'm going to win." Yuki mumbled under her breath.

"You never know. You can't win if you don't try right? At least you tried." Haruhi smiled at her sister. Yuki perked up a little bit at the statement. Haruhi was right, like always. Yuki at least tried and that was what mattered in the long run.

"You're the best Haruhi." Yuki said as she gave her twin sister a side hug.

The two sisters walked a bit more until they came to a stop in front of the photo they had been looking for. Yuki's eyes traveled to the name plack under the photo and a large smile came to her lips.

"Unusual Family"

By: Yuki Fujioka

After taking some pride in the name plack, Yuki looked to the actual photo. The photo was one she had taken the day they went to the beach together. It was a far shot of all of the host in the photo. Haruhi was sitting under the umbrella and clearly closest to where the photo had been taken from. Kyoya was standing off to the side with his eyes trained on his little black book and the rest of the host were chasing a beach ball that was rolling towards where Haruhi was sitting. The photo was surprising void of all the girls that had been at the beach that day and showed the personality of the host club rather well. It was one of Yuki's favorite photo. It had also been a rather easy choice to send this photo in compared to all of her other ones as well.

"Unusual family?" Haruhi questioned as she tilted her head to the side.

"I think its rather fitting!" A voice made the Fujioka twins jump and spin around. Behind them was the rest of the host club. While Haruhi wasn't very happy, Yuki had a bright smile on her face. The fact that they had remembered and came made her so happy. "I feel honored that you entered such a photo!" Tamaki smiled brightly while running a hand through his hair. Yuki could have sworn that she saw actual flowers just appear behind him.

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