Kyoya Ending

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The sound of heels clicking against the fancy flooring of a Ouran corridor echoed the silent school. A soft nervous sigh left Yuki's lips as she got closer and closer to the club room. The chaotic festival had finally came to an end and anyone that was still on campus as outside. However Yuki knew for a fact at least one person was waiting for her in the club room. It was finally time to find out who had written the note that had been rattling her brain since her birthday.

Coming to a stop in front of the white double doors of the music room, Yuki bit her lip nervously. Her boy problems had taken up a large chuck of her brain storage for the last few months. Whoever was waiting for her behind the door, was going to be her choice. Getting the note told her that whoever it was wanted to be with her. The other male would become just a friend.

The idea of not coming at all did cross her mind. If only for a moment. Yuki didn't want to be one of those girls that depending on boys, that needed a boy. So the idea of forgetting her boy problems until at least next year did sound appealing. However the temptation of learning who had written the letter out weighed the feminist slightly gay part of her brain.

With one final sigh Yuki pushed open the door and walked inside. Her eyes scanned the darkened room for a moment until she saw someone standing by one of the windows. Despite it being dark in the room it only took Yuki a few steps forward until she realized who it was.


'I should have known it was him..' Yuki thought to herself as she walked up to stand behind him. At the sound of her footsteps Kyoya closed his black book and turned around to face her. He pushed his glasses up before pocketing the notebook. Yuki looked up at him and started playing with the fabric of her dress nervously as she waiting for Kyoya to speak.

"I'm surprised you came." Kyoya spoke up after a moment.

"Why?" Yuki squeaked out as she meant his eyes.

"I haven't really been the best while I have been distracted." Kyoya said taking a step closer to Yuki. "I've been conflicted."

"Conflicted..?" Yuki questioned as she tilted her head to the side.

"My father has taken an interest in you and your future. What you could do for our family when you reached your full patental." Kyoya hummed as he crossed his arms. "He wanted me to keep you close. Possibly even talk to your father about an arranged marriage. After all think about the headlines. 'Youngest Ootori boy marries the rags to riches raising artist/charity photographer.'"

"So wait.." Yuki took a step back as she tried to make sense of what Kyoya just said. She felt the tears start to build as she looked at the second year in front of her. "What are you trying to say."

"Hey those are my father's ideas. Not mine." Kyoya said as he quickly closed the space between the two of them. He gently grabbed her arms to hold her in place. "My father just sees you as a pawn but I could never see you that way. That's why I pulled away at first. I thought it would be better to just let what we had sizzle out and then my father wouldn't be able to use you like that. But I saw how Kaoru charged towards you and I knew I couldn't lose to him. So I moved forward my plans."

"You.. you mean with buying out your father's company?" Yuki asked as her breathing calmed down. She briefly remembered the conversation back from the car on the way back to Ouran. She could also tell right away that Kyoya was telling her the truth. He had dropped the mask he wore for everyone and was just his true self right now. Something she noticed was really only ever shown around her.

"My father doesn't control my actions anymore. It has taken me a long time to build myself up from being just the third son. You helped me grow into the person I am and I wasn't going to let you slip through my fingers when I was so close." Kyoya said as he moved one of his hands up and moved some of Yuki's hair out of her face. "Give me a chance to prove to you that this is the right choice to make. You and me." Kyoya whispered as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips.

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